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BenEarlDaMarxist BenEarlDaMarxist

Just a learning boy who stumbled upon Marxist-Leninist ideology. I am now a learning ML trying to grow.

Posts 11
Comments 36
Capitalism breeds "innovation"
  • Capitalism breeds innovation to con you out of all your cash in more effective ways.

  • Wholesome communism
  • Socialists/communists attempting not to be empathetic to their fellow workers challenge (IMPOSSIBLE).

    In all seriousness, being pro-workers and pro-workers' rights is like, one of the most basic criterion for being a socialist.

  • studying us history
  • I know, it's just that having the knowledge that they're doing them doesn't stop them from doing atrocities against mankind either. Knowledge is both a blessing and a curse.

  • studying us history
  • "Oh boy! Can't wait to know all the man-made horrors, war crimes, and crimes against humanity the United States of America did! Just so I can find my hatred of capitalism all the more justified!"

  • r/TheDeprogram Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
  • In a nutshell: The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact is just an NAP that Nazi Germany eventually broke because of course they're fucking Nazis, and this pact didn't fuckin' mean the Soviets and the Nazis wanted to legitimately team up, it's just the two wanted to bide for time, building up armies and shit + This NAP isn't the only treaty that the Nazis signed.

  • Rule
  • "Being a total dumbass to own the tankies"

    • A liberal probaly
  • What is bottom line marxism for you?
  • 4 must-haves for being bloody Marxist (for me at least):

    • Anti-capitalism (Marxists being anticaps is like the morning sky being blue)
    • Anti-imperialism (kinda cringe invading other nations and taking over established societies)
    • Anti-discrimination (Workers of the world unite and all that shit. Kinda contradictory if you start excluding workers not being white or straight)
    • Pro-workng class (If you aren't, what the shit are you doing as a Marxist)
  • i did it. i followed your rules.
  • Judgment from others. That and me not really being interested in using makeup.

  • the rule
  • Tito: Now we're in the Pleasant Park's street

    Lenin: Look at the map, go to the Mark's sheets

  • Gentleman, New Hakim video just dropped.
  • Watched the video itself. It was pretty good, Hakim did an excellent job on explaining the term tankie and why it's often a meaningless insult just to shut down an argument (esepcially when a liberal uses it just because they hate being proven wrong)

  • Stalin Street Tram is finished
  • Nice railway system.

  • This person is Filipino
  • Yes and it translates to: stupid motherfucker who idolizes for that fascist trashheap they call Imperial Japan.

  • This person is Filipino
  • If this person is from the Philippines. I do not, in any way, shape, or form, associate with that "putang inang gago na iniidolo para sa pasistang basurahan na tinatawagan nila'y Imperial Japan"

  • Is it true that China is one huge cult where opinions are censored and that everyone must worship Xi Jinping? What do you say in response when liberals claim this?
  • To answer both questions because I'm bored as shit:

    1. No. It isn't.

    2. Have you been trusting too much on western sources for your claims on China? If so, you must try other sources that aren't just from the west to get a clearer picture of what's going on with the PRC.

  • The left: Just pointing out his flaws and fuck ups during his leadership, The right: Uses tired and recycled liberal talking points.
  • No one really. Just a grumpy lady who is angry at the capitalist system to what it's doing to the less fortunate. I just thought a Marx knockoff having a friend before meeting an Engles knockoff would be fun.

  • The left: Just pointing out his flaws and fuck ups during his leadership, The right: Uses tired and recycled liberal talking points.

    Lemmycraft free housing project.
  • Cool. Hope it doesn't end up like shit. Gotta give it at least a bit of pizzazz.

  • Short Introduction to the Men's Liberation Community
  • Essentially: "Men's Liberation is basically a movement freeing men from the toxic as fuck and hyper gender stereotypical structure known as the patriarchy." Which, based I suppose, supporting men into doing things considered "weird" but harmless like crossdressing or doing "feminine" activities like knitting and shit.

  • Oh No, Anyway
  • Yeah. That's why I'm laughing, you having the audacity that Castro took you & your family's "right" to literally own people.

  • We’re on r/tankiejerk!
  • Oh. At least none of my posts got featured.

  • Talking to a conservative about my different reasons of hating liberals:


    Who the hell is this fella? Incorrect answers only:


    Fun Fact: Before he officially became a CPC(hina) member, Xi Jinping had sent ten applications to join the party, the first 9 were rejected and in the 10th he was finally accepted.


    Whether be liberal democratic means or revolutionary means, it's all the same to them:


    _______ a liberal and a fascist ______.

    Fill in the blanks. Any answer is correct!


    Democracy according to Murikan Liberals:


    Late-stage capitalism vs. Late stage socialism (Also, least wordy socialist meme):


    Anti-communists attempting to dissuade a critical ML's beliefs and principles:


    The REAL reason why the Crying Child is bullied by his older brother:
