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Beach_Chameleon Non-Normal Opinions

I'm here because I get banned from Reddit time to time.

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Comments 4
Whoever is across from someone on the yearbook page kisses them when the book closes.
  • Man, that's deep. About to go to bed as that was the last thing I read. Gonna be tossing and turning bc of it.

  • Am I a loser?
  • I have felt the same way as you for a very long time and to be honest still do feel that way nowaday as Im over the hills. I still go solo very often. I ended up with 2 dogs who tame the loneliness for a bit. Online dating is a joke nowadays. I recently told someone I work with I screwed up when younger bc my priority was looking for love. I've spent all my life looking for love as a priority. If I could go back in time, I'd concentrate on a career and financial security as priority first before love. Nowadays, I've gave up on love,, I'm in it for the money now. Though that maybe my motto as a joke now, it haven't improve any in rl.

    What I'm saying here is don't let finding a woman be your first priority. Financially secured and they will come. Just my opinion from my own experience.

  • dropped my croissant
  • , made by my aunt

  • When your aunt gets you The Star Trek Game for secret Santa
  • What's wrong with it? Is it missing Iron Man?

  • More Bat-Trek
  • Holy Groovey, Batman!