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What is Your Gaming Rig Setup?
  • Does the change in scheduler help out in CPU-bound games?

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  • Vaush moment

  • What is Your Gaming Rig Setup?
  • Mine's not as insane as yours, but I'm content with it.

    i7 8086k @ 5.1GHz
    Reference 6700xt
    32GB DDR4
    Louqe Raw S1

    Plays everything I need, and I'm dual-booting Garuda and 10.

    Out of curiosity, why pick Cachy? Nothing against it, I've just not encountered it until this moment.

  • What subreddits won't you miss?
  • There was some of that, acting like PC gaming is and should only be for those of insane means.

    But more, a lot of "AMD ruined this game with FSR.", "I tried linux but 87% of my steam library isn't playable.", the new harry potter game debacle, and an insane amount of gymnastics to say that 70$USD is fine for a new game just buy gamepass instead.

  • What subreddits won't you miss?
  • PCGaming.

    While great for new release information, somehow has some of the worst opinions and "as a back-seat game dev" responses I've ever encountered in my life.