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Assman The Assman

Asses to asses, butts to butts

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Comments 1.3K
ISPs seeking government handouts try to avoid offering low-cost broadband
  • Idk who built it but the place I used to live in BFE definitely has broadband now.

  • Kevin Roberts, architect of Project 2025, has close ties to radical Catholic group Opus Dei
  • Radical Catholics? I'm picturing Ned Flanders on a skateboard.

  • Crushing on Miranda Otto no matter what
  • Oh my fucking god I never noticed that was her!

  • New poster for "The Wild Robot"
  • Iron Giant if he stayed in the woods?

  • I did wear a kilt for a period in the 640s BC
  • That was before Jesus introduced the goatee

  • Anon has a question
  • The moles must hate me

  • He has places to be
  • That's a snapping turtle

  • Anon has a question
  • Idc if this is dumb, I pour it in a bucket and when it's full I dig a hole in the back yard and pour the oil in there and bury it. I do this 1-2 times a year.

  • Gen X is in charge now, and boomers are being shown the door
  • We could all die in some catastrophic event

  • Nearly 40K new voters registered in 48 hours after Biden’s exit
  • Yeah what I mean is the trump admin would shepherd in full fledged fascism. Especially considering sotomayor's age. It's critically important to the entire world that he doesn't win. Certainly more work to do after he's defeated.

  • Anon struggles with financial difficulties
  • our porn is better

    Guy who spends money to jack off

  • Nearly 40K new voters registered in 48 hours after Biden’s exit
  • I love how all of lemmy and many other places on the internet bitched and moaned about people calling for Biden to drop out. Then he did and the party is more energized than it has been in years, and actually has a chance to, ya know, defeat American fascism.

  • Vote.
  • I'm from Indianapolis and there's literally a taco truck on every corner. I'm not sure what draws so many Hispanic people here, but yeah. Tacos everywhere.

  • Cyber firm KnowBe4 hired a fake IT worker from North Korea
  • Damn, we use these MFers. I'm gonna be a little more salty about my next security training.