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Arsaille Arsaille
Posts 1
Comments 26
The Jebus Said So.
  • Why the hell should I listen to that? This is just stupid.

  • What is your gaming "comfort food" and why?
  • Battlefield 1. I hop on the same server every time and it's a nice way to calm myself down if I'm stressed about something in real life. It's much more fun to be stressed about staying alive and helping my team the best I can. The game sparked a strong interest in history for me aswell, so it's also a comfort zone in that sense too.

  • [TotK] Finally 100% Complete!
  • Kudos!! This game is too overwhelming for me to 100%, but I admire your willpower.

  • /r/place going full-on French Revolution now
  • r/place is a site wide event where any user can place a pixel on the big canvas every 5 minutes or so. Communities will often coordinate efforts so their users can make art to represent their community. It looks like a lot of people have come together to make this Spez guillotine, which is fun.

  • What are your favourite chill games?
  • My pleasure! It's stumped me a few times, but luckily the hint coin system is forgiving lol. Enjoy!

  • What are your favourite chill games?
  • That's fantastic to hear đź’•

    I hope you enjoy it as much as I did :)

  • What are your favourite chill games?
  • My first one was the Ace Attorney crossover due to being interested in that at the time, but I've been playing through the Curious Village recently and find it very charming! I think either of those would work.

  • What are your favourite chill games?
  • My first one was the Ace Attorney crossover due to being interested in that at the time, but I've been playing through the Curious Village recently and find it very charming! I think either of those would work.

  • What are your favourite chill games?
  • It depends for me. Something that fits your bill that I adore though is the Professor Layton games. Relaxing puzzles and a mystery to unfold in a world of the unknown. It's a very charming series!

    For me lately though, it's been replaying the Zelda games. I just got to A Link to the Past and it's been a huge help when my stress gets bad. I hope things get better for you though! :)

    Edit: I also recommend the Ace Attorney games, they gave me a lot of comfort in a very troubling time in my life.

  • Does anyone enjoy intimate kissing scenes in movies?
  • No, but I see why people would like them. I personally don't like them because I feel like it's almost always an unnecessarily long scene to begin with. If it's more than 10 seconds, it just feels like it's meant to make people horny.

  • Does it feel like the fediverse is exclusively used by older tech nerds?
  • If the people posting on 196 are over 30 years old, then you guys have really stepped up your game.

  • Rocks on weapons count towards Koroks
  • It's a portable Korock !

  • How many hours did you all spend in TOTK?
  • Yeah, the koroks are always really heavy weight. I think I left off with around 65%, and I had done most side quests, got all shrines + sages wills, and only about 100 koroks. I just can't find it in me to go for the koroks knowing what the reward is.

  • Reddit threatens the mods of r/CyberpunkGame (the main subreddit for Cyberpunk 2077). Mods decide to go down in a blaze of glory, whole sub agrees.
  • And I was planning on getting the game when the expansion comes out. I'm glad to see the community is holding strong against the very thing their game is about.

  • Red Dead Redemption Remastered is real, and it would be announced very soon
  • Does this reply count as a necro? Anyhow, I vaguely remember R* dedicating all of their resources to one game now instead of 2 after RDR2 was pushed out. I hope if they've outsourced this remaster, it stays well enough away from what happened to the GTA games.

  • How many hours did you all spend in TOTK?
  • I ended off with about 150 hours aswell. I didn't make a super large push to do absolutely everything before finishing the story, I decided early on that I was saving it for Master Mode. On an unrelated note, it's a bit of a bummer that Master Mode wasn't in at launch. I hope they don't make the enemies regenerate health again though!

  • How many hours did you all spend in TOTK?
  • You can find it when you open the map in the bottom right corner after you finish the game I believe. My switch is being repaired right now, but it's certainly in one of those corners.

  • What are must-have games in the current Steam Sale?
  • Haven't seen this yet, but with Payday 3 coming out soon, it's worth noting that Payday: The Heist is only $1.50. I've enjoyed my solo time so far, but that's as a big payday 2 fan. It's still definitely worth a shot with friends though!