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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Shoppers Drug Mart Recruiting Volunteers to Staff Stores
  • We are reaching the final logical conclusions of capitalism with Canadian characteristics.

    They will allow Amazon to build their " all inclusive " worksites where the workers can't actually leave. These megacorporations are more powerful then the state is.

  • podcast - The Daily: Your Car May Be Spying on You
  • The classic 4chan cars for under 5K chart still largely holds up today.

    Take it with a grain of salt and perhaps bump the years up by a decade or so.

    Personally i would take a 20 year old car with low milage that still has solid saftey features and a comfortable interior vs a newer car with better technology, but arguably worse saftey features and undoubtedly worse privacy.

    Not to mention it's going to be cheaper to break some shit on an old car vs a brand new one that's loaded with sensors and computers. My 2 cents anyways.

  • Wyze says camera breach let 13,000 customers briefly see into other people’s homes
  • That and ring doorbells being used as a big data harvesting point for the police.

    The surveillance culture we have is so normalized now people don't even care that their security camera is more of a corporate livestream then a secure loop. But hey, how else an I gonna pust pictures of the guy stealing my 3rd Amazon package of the day.

  • Ukraine’s average soldier is 43. How can they keep Putin at bay?
  • It's the opposite. The pool of young people to pull from is smaller everyday.

    In this regard, Russia has the advantage where they can just keep throwing more and more bodies into the war without major unrest. Luckily Wagner is gone, as they had the human wave then special forces combo down to a science, but the problem of Russia having exponentially more manpower at their disposal remains unless they begin drafting all Women between ages 18 - 60. Which will likely never happen.

  • Oman declares a no-fly zone over its territory for all military aircraft involved in operations against Yemen
  • " Siding with Yemen " is a bit rich. The writing is on the wall for the current regional war to expand into a proper world war. They don't want their infrastructure, be it shipping or oil related to be hit by missles.

    It's one thing to carry out an air campaign halfway across the earth where your enemy cannot reach your homeland. It's a bit different when the war is in your backyard and not on the television.

    Same reason why Saudi Arabia is so squeamish about this whole air raid campaign. Both nations host American bases and troops. They are the logical first targets for the Houthi's to attack. Signing off on this would be stepping foot into the ring as a meatshield, with little to gain from this charade.

    Yemen has already been bombed back into the stone ages, infrastructure wise. More airstrikes will not break them.

  • U.S. Still Recording 1,500 COVID Deaths Each Week as Cases Surge Around the Globe, Greatest Surge Since Omicron Variant
  • We won't ever know the full extent of how many people have died of/ crippled by long covid. It's in the interest of corporations and states for people to not care, to tell them to relax and pretend as if everything is normal.

    Covid will also cause massive issiues for entire generations a few deacdes down the line, which these same states and corporations will refuse to acknowledge their own role in forcing sick people into work again en mass.

    It's tomorrow's problem, and we pretend that tomorrow never comes.

  • Sudanese women describe being gang-raped in attacks by Arab forces
  • You do realize many of the women raped were probably Muslim too? Its not religion that brought that rather then racism... people keep failing to understand this. Or rather it makes you feel justified in your own hatred rather then reading the actual fucking article.

  • Mom fired as sex-ed teacher after being exposed as convicted prostitute, working escort
  • Its part of the propaganda machine, Mom working a second job as a sex worker = criminal. The wealthy fucks who have done nothing but hoarde and steal more wealth from the working class = intelligent business people.

    Absolutely vile how they manipulate the people like this. The media's lack of scrutiny and questioning the states narratives and laws only make this problem worse.

  • Canada PM Trudeau says his main rival abandoning Ukraine due to Trump influence
  • I'd pay Pierre Polievere $100 to fuck off but Pedocons? Really? This is literally the same dipshit rheotric the far right uses calling anyone and anything they don't like a groomer/pedo.

    Unlike Josh Giddey's girlfriends, it's getting fucking old.

  • Child porn on X???
  • Who knew that firing the most loyal, dedicated, competent and hardworking employees would have this result?

    I was told Elon's shitposting would resolve wokeness and make twitter great again.

  • Justin Trudeau is struggling to walk a very fine line on the Israel-Hamas war
  • It's easier to get political points for helping a struggling third world nation, than to do something that helps the long term betterment of Canadians, so they stop helping us

    When were the government ever helping " us " ?

    And its really not. Trudeau is taking a beating from pro Palestine and pro Isreali groups within the country for being deceive enough. Polievere also had his rally interrupted by those demanding a ceasefire.

    Temporary foreign workers being human trafficked to do jobs that passport holders here have is a major issiue here. The idea that somehow " Canadians " living standards and class war and foreign affairs aren't directly related is nonsense.

    The liberals aren't even really " helping " anyone in this conflict, they're just arming Israel and suppressing pro Palestine voices in our country. The people frothing at the mouth to limit peoples speech here should concern you too.

  • Dogs are coming down with an unusual respiratory illness in several US states

    If you look up " Lion infected with COVID " there's plenty of examples of this happening since 2020. Even big cats were catching, and subsequently spreading COVID back to humans and other cats.

    It kinda sounds like these dogs have some sort of other illness that's being spread around, but its definitely possible for other mammals to catch covid and get sick. Sounds like it sucks regardless of your size or species.

  • Justin Trudeau is struggling to walk a very fine line on the Israel-Hamas war
  • While you're not wrong the liberals are actively waging class war, we sell weapons to the Israeli state and the IDF trains Canadian police forces and recruits children from our hoghschools to their army.

    We absolutely are not neutral in the genocide of Palestinians and the war there has direct social and material consequences for us. Working class people also can't pretend global issiues don't effect us or were truly being deaf, dumb and blind.