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AdlachGyfiawn Adlach
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Comments 142
Children found 'butchered' in Israeli kibbutz, as horror of Hamas' attack on border communities begins to emerge | CNN
  • The average age in the Gaza Strip is 18. Do you think that might have anything to do with Hamas not acting "grown up"? What do you expect out of one million teenagers you locked in a cell?

  • Costume
  • I can vouch for this. I just bought a TNG era uniform from them and it's quite nice. Got every piece except boots, which they don't sell.

  • Fahrenheit vs. Celsius vs. Kelvin
  • I dunno, man. I usually only wear a sweatshirt when it's 32. You get used to the cold fast.

    There was an article recently that said the researchers in Antarctica were wearing shorts because it was so warm (14F).

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I haven't been carded in years and I'm 27. I think it's the beard.

  • Deal or no deal?
  • Not particularly. Male cats get sleepier but overall I haven't found behavior changes much.

    On the other hand, imagine being horny all the time with no thumbs to masturbate

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I don't support Hamas but Hamas != Palestine. The PLO and especially the PFLP are secular, left-wing organizations and the PLO holds about 40% of the seats on the Palestinian Legislative Council. They would hold more if Israel hadn't gone after Fatah so viciously while ignoring Hamas back in the '70s and '80s.

    I also dispute the idea that Israeli civilians in the area currently under attack are blameless. Almost all of the attacks are in areas that belong to Palestine according to the 1947 UN partition—Ashdod and Be'er Sheva are Palestinian cities by law and any Israeli there is an illegal occupier.

  • Hamas militant group has started a war that 'Israel will win,' [Israeli] defense minister says
  • What are they obligated to agree to? If I kick in the door to your house, what right do I have to discuss which half belongs to me?

    Israel should have to surrender all of their illegally-occupied land and at the very least retreat to the UN-approved 1947 borders.

  • "Absolute Ownership" by Work Chronicles
  • I'm okay with that. I'm an engineer too and I have pretty much no incentive to work hard. I don't get overtime and they pay me about a fifth of what they charge customers for my services—so yeah, I'm lazy.

  • The old one also sounds like a running lawnmower, but still.
  • also, I'm leaking CFCs and trying to claw a hole in the ozone

  • Rules for thee but not for saymen
  • Do you guys pronounce the L in salmonella?

  • Housing crisis: Andorra is getting fed up with wealthy foreigners
  • create tax haven

    wealthy foreigners come for the tax haven


  • On culinary crimes
  • Olives are great. Raisins taste how old people smell.

  • Philosophy meme
  • I would argue that's a corollary, not a discovery. It's corollary to a subjective belief that life has value—one that I agree with, but that is by no means innately or objectively true.

  • Philosophy meme
  • Objective morality implies that morals are not invented or created but discovered. Whence do these discovered morals come? How can one test a moral theory and arrive at an answer as to its objective veracity? What is the scientific unit of goodness?

  • Says it all.
  • implying "the covid years" are over

  • My daughter's public school in Indiana is having "Hawaiian Day" today. That's offensive, isn't it?
  • There's a very simple answer to your question that it seems like you're almost deliberately avoiding: native Hawaiians.

  • My daughter's public school in Indiana is having "Hawaiian Day" today. That's offensive, isn't it?
  • 'Associated with [by outsiders]' is a wholly different animal than 'part of [according to members]'. That's literally the point of the conversation we're having.

  • Paolo Pedrizzetti (photographer) – Milan, May 14, 1977
  • What do you find the fundamental difference to be between then and now?

  • Paolo Pedrizzetti (photographer) – Milan, May 14, 1977
  • Absolute nonsense. Do you think leftists simply didn't vote hard enough to prevent fascism in Germany and Italy?