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  • Anthropologically speaking this is the best answer. Our brain needs a certain span of time to establish perceived reality.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • No physical mechanisms predefines future events (or is there one ?).

    So, I could state that the future does not exist yet and the past as ceased to exist.

    in that statement I have a problem with the definition of existence. Does the definition of existence exist itself ? This is (is it ?) more a problem of terminology than philosophy or physics.

  • [AJA] que la fête des grands-pères c'était aujourd'hui
  • Bonne fête Camus !
    (si toutefois vous êtes grand-père. Sinon, bonne fête à un grand-père de votre choix 😋)

    Votre imagination est juste car je n'étais pas au courant.

  • Single-bladed floating wind turbine promises half the cost, more power
  • I guess this tilted vertical axis wind turbine could be great on land as well.

  • Why does thermodynamics laws look like a tautology ?
  • This is a very good formulation and completely in line with current physics...
    ...from which I am trying to break away a little bit !

    Please, let us move this conversation under the main post at :

  • Why does thermodynamics laws look like a tautology ?
  • Thanks for your time and attention.

    We have never observed anything in the universe just popping into existence from nothing (...)

    if we did, that would be a major shift in physics. in this regards I heard of (or read of) two candidates :
    .1 if universe's expansion continues to accelerate, (it would mean) dark energy is increassing.
    .2 an excess of hydrogen (clouds) outside of galaxies was observed that is difficult to explain with current cosmology.

    I know these are not direct observation of something popping up, ...but still.

  • Why does thermodynamics laws look like a tautology ?
  • I think there must be a mechanism behind the (stated) laws. This is what interest my reflection.

  • Why does thermodynamics laws look like a tautology ?
  • On a side note :
    is there something in nature that prescribes the conservation of energy ?

    (please, if you answer this, do so under my other comment (big bang...) ...I don't want to lose track of the main topic).

  • Why does thermodynamics laws look like a tautology ?
  • I am trying to find a loophole for the origin of the big Bang or whatever created the universe.

    P.S. What I'm saying could be something like : "if a system is empty it doesn't contain the first law".

  • Why does thermodynamics laws look like a tautology ?
  • in my post header you will find a link to the original post. This place is for my personal archiving and testing.

    Nevertheless, if I follow what you are saying here you mean to say : by changing frame of references we can violate conservation of energy ...or am I missing something ?

    Please, let us move this conversation under the main post at :

  • Why does thermodynamics laws look like a tautology ?
  • My misquotation was on purpose.
    in the same thread of thoughts : if there was a system without the first law, anything could appear as if by magic !
    ...that is, until the 1st law appears.

  • Why does thermodynamics laws look like a tautology ?

    cross-posted from:

    > 1st law of thermodynamics : > There is something that will always be the same. > 2nd law of thermodynamics : > Everything else always changes and never will be what it was before.


    Why does thermodynamics laws look like a tautology ?

    1st law of thermodynamics : There is something that will always be the same. 2nd law of thermodynamics : Everything else always changes and never will be what it was before.

    High pasta prices set to boil over as Canada's wheat withers
  • Last i bought was $1.71 CAD / kg
    (made in Canada )

    @anotherlemmyuser 's is $1.06 us$ / 750g so ... $1.41 us$ / kg ... , so ... $1.90 CAD / kg

    The price has I've got in Canada, is about 10% lower than that one in Malaysia.

  • China map: India lodges 'strong protest' over territory claims
  • Humanity is so stupid when it comes to "territory" and we are not the only species that acts like beasts about it.

  • Making security keys post quantum resilient
  • bad bot
    reposting this thing four times. bad.

  • what is the mass of a cloud?
  • At sea level air is about 1.25 kg/m³, so for one cubic kilometer cloud that is :
    1 250 000 tons.

    I put your result into table to show a problem at 51 km and above... since density decreases monotically with altitude.

    mass (tons) altitude (km)
    1 250 000 0
    364 000 11
    88 000 20
    860 51
    64 71

    Clouds can be easily 10 cubic km.

  • Gravity field scaling?
  • I did make I have made many mistakes, much worse than this one and on many occasions. I would say : don't be so hard on yourself since it's important to forgive ourselves.

    I do believe the following correction should be made again to your text though :

    Gravity is an [edit: inverse squared] function, so it gets weaker at an exponential a squared rate as you move away from the source.

  • Banana? Banana. Rule.
  • I believe in this community you have to write the word "rule" in the title, like so :
    Banana? Banana rules !
    (you can edit the title even after posting, that is, if you want so)

  • Where do I start reading Iron Man?
  • You can start where ever you want :

    • in the kitchen,
    • on the bus, etc...

    (Please excuse this joke : I could not resist)

  • Gravity field scaling?
  • Hey @[email protected]

    This one, @[email protected], has the correct answer...

    So, don't believe in the crackpot idea that it would be exponential

  • New physical cosmological model : is it coherent ?

    The following mechanism, by continually creating matter in the universe, if self coherent, would solve many unsolved physical problems : this cosmology would do without a big bang.

    3d interference pattern of gravitational waves would create rogue waves at specific points in SpaceTime that would create matter and the CMB.

    Creation of matter and gravity fields, at net zero energy would increase the expansion of the universe.

    The perfect black body curve of the CMB would result from the exponential expansion of the universe.


    How to browse ipfs:// ?

    Just wanted to browse ipfs. So I went here :

    it says... :

    Opera (browser) for Android has default support for IPFS, allowing mobile users to browse ipfs:// links to access data on the IPFS network.

    So I just need one "ipfs:// links" right ? ... let's find one !

    So I navigate through these... :

    There, I finally get a link which I try and... it crashes the browser !

    Do you know an easy way to get to one of those links (ipfs://) from a browser ?
