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ANapSoundsNice ANapSoundsNice
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Surely you're brewing with the open-source Brewtarget?
  • Me reading this comment as a brand new all-in full-time Manjaro Xfce user got me sweating, hoping I don't break my install. I'm already working through my bluetooth drivers exploding when going into suspend state.

  • Curious of other's thoughts on the term "beat" the game. DAE feel like it's outdated?
  • I have adjusted my mindset instead of adjusting the terms themselves, for me. While completely getting everything that exists was and is still to “100%” a game, I have adjusted “to beat” a game to no longer be nearly synonymous with 100% because I ain’t got time for that anymore.

    Instead I believe to have beaten a game if I get the main sequence credit roll and have completed as much non-main scenario content as I want to before I feel it’s tedious or stupid. Sometimes beating the game is strictly completing the main sequence because no extra content exists, are only achievements, or are so difficult that I simply don’t feel like investing the time into it (unless I want to. Shout out to God of War ps3 with the hardest difficulty + Valkyrie Queen side quest! Now THAT was a hard but fair and fun fight!).

    I recently played through BotW finally so I can move onto TotK and I did all shrines, about 320 korok seeds, and some side quests and chains (like terry town) but I decided against doing the trial of the sword deep dungeon. I kept playing and doing things and didn’t get all shrines because I wanted to but instead had such a fun time that I got all of them because I just happened to continue enjoying the journey to all shrines. That subtle distinction means I keep playing games as content still exists and while I’m still having a good time.

    When the good time ends, then I feel I have beat the game. And that’s good by me.

  • Lemmy API Examples
  • Sorry for the late response to my other comment - I also was reading through the documentation for the first time and it looks like you got the answer ahead of me, nice!

    I whipped up some sample code that does exactly the same thing you ended up doing, so no further additions here except that in the Lemmy API is expecting requests to be sent to <instance domain>/api/v3/... .

    I used my code that is basically the same to what you have above here, but when I switched it to v1 the server throws an 400 error (malformed request). So if you haven't ran this code already you've got my sanity check that it will work except for making sure you change the api version. You can then carry that auth token with you when making requests by including it in the header like so

    headers = {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json'
      'auth': '<jwt goes here>'
  • Lemmy API Examples
  • Very jank response because I’m on my phone!

    Looks like you’ll need to POST the header Auth with the token you receive as a LoginResponse

    (Brb for an edit)

  • Lemmy Custom Theming/CSS
  • I felt this thread in my soul, as I’m never more hyper aware about bugs in my code as I am after I’ve already submitted the PR.

  • Garth Brooks Says His New Nashville Bar Will Be Safe for Trans People, Serve Bud Light
  • Garth continues to have friends in low places!*

    Glad to hear such a forward stance on his bar. I haven’t kept up with country music for a while but I believe he still draws quite the crowd and maintained their respect as a country music legend. Anyone on the out about this won’t be missed.

    *(This is a reference to one of his songs! It’s one of my favorites to drunk karaoke. )

  • Intro to Beer Brewing
  • The only thing I'd add is that any new homebrewer to the hobby become familiar with our often quoted wisdom.

    Homebrewing looks scary before during and for a few beers into starting their hobby! People have great concern that they're messing with thing sitting in cupboard or basement for a week or more and they don't want to be sick or get their brew infected and they worry greatly over sanitation. I'd only add that as long as you aren't being an utter nastyass when it comes to sanitizing your equipment and exercising some sense on the cold side of the process, you should be okay.

    That's why we have the phrase RDWHAHB - Relax, Don't Worry, Have A Home Brew!

  • Here's how it's going to go down.
  • This is a quality post. I enjoy the attention and repetition of making sure that each user internalizes their autonomy of needing to make a deliberate choice and calling out that force of habit is a difficult thing to break. I needed to move Apollo clear from its location on my phone and replace it with the Lemmy PWA to ensure I would stop going back to reddit even if accidentally.

    Whether it's on Lemmy, or Kbin, or any other fediverse app I hope that users take a look at their values for their presence on the web and begin taking steps to take back their choice of what that looks like. A lot of us still have facebook or use some other app because it's is basically the only way to keep interacting with their close friends and family. I wouldn't begrudge anyone for that, I do it too. But we can do our best to chose for ourselves where to spend the bulk of our own time.

  • I tried mending on a whim and this is who I am now
  • I followed this tutorial which cuts the jeans to the proper length and then uses a sewing machine with a zig zag pattern to create the new hem. I had to go this way instead of reusing the original hem because I needed to shorten the leg by 4 inches and would have way too much fabric at the bottom of the leg if I kept the original hem or did one of those non-sewing tricks.

    I used a marker to create the lines of interest as described in the video but uh… those lines didn’t wash out. Thankfully they’re hidden unless you really go looking for them but I’d suggest a quick trip to the craft store for tailoring chalk!

  • Brawl in the Halls: Japan Parliament Erupts into Chaos Over Controversial Refugee Bill
  • Found an article from Japan Times (non-paywall link) explaining that the bill is about Japanese immigration law adjusting at least in part the ability to deport asylum applications.

    First four paragraphs of the article as a jumping off point:

    Parliament on Friday passed a bill to revise an immigration and refugee law that will allow authorities to deport individuals who repeatedly apply for asylum, despite objections from some opposition parties.

    The Upper House enacted the law with the support of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, led by Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, and its junior coalition partner, Komeito, as well as other right-leaning opposition forces.

    The previous law governing such matters did not allow officials to send a foreign national back to their home country while their application for refugee status was pending, and immigration authorities suspect many have abused the system by applying multiple times in order to remain in Japan.

    Under the amended law, the government will aim to reduce long-term detention in immigration facilities and encourage the expulsion of foreign individuals who do not comply with deportation orders

  • What's the best Linux alternative to Windows for gaming
  • Spent a lot of the day thinking in the back of my mind what games on game pass ultimate I want to sit down and play at the computer, and what I came up with basically are games that would be perfectly playable via the ultimate cloud option on linux since the game pass games can't run without UWP so far on linux. Anything that would have such a degraded experience I could just play on the xbox one. Combine this with the results from running my library through prontonDB and this seems like a realistic possiblity!

    I may be sold on finally ditching windows as the last great bastion of staying on windows for gaming falls, ironically, with the rise of microsoft introducing cloud gaming ^^

    Now I need to see about using some vacation time to port everything over and tweak the new OS...

  • I’m sad, I can’t get Mlem
  • I would suggest that you look into using the Progressive Web App version of using beehaw. While Mlem continues its active development, I’ve been enjoying using the PWA version via the following steps:

    • Navigate to your instance front page in the Safari app
    • Under the URL bar click the share button and then press Add to Home Screen and use this icon as your “app” to use Lemmy.
  • What's the best Linux alternative to Windows for gaming
  • Dropping in here to ask a side question

    My biggest concerns with finally making the switch to gaming in a linux distro are

    • Will the biggest releases generally be guaranteed to (eventually) work in wine?
    • For game with multiplayer that use invasive anti-cheat third party systems, what's the hit/miss rate of people getting unfairly banned because they're running it on linux? I'm generally playing multiplayer in FFXIV and WoW these days so I'm sure that's fine, but I don't want to worry about being VAC banned down the line for playing some non-AAA game with a trigger happy cheat detection software.
    • Follow up for this last question - if that's just a reality of gaming on linux, what anti-cheat softwares do I have to be weary of?

    I found such a list

    Bless this community.

  • What's everyone's thoughts on split or tented keyboards?
  • I have bi-lateral carpaltunnel (Mild left, moderate right) and have found it greatly managed in my life as a heavy computer user for work and pleasure by changing my keyboard to the Kinesis Advantage 2. This is an expensive keyboard that definitely isn't in a lot of people's range but thankfully work was able to get it for me to prevent further RSI.

    I swear by this damn keyboard though. The split and boxy design perfectly aligns to my shoulder width, and my arms out in front of me rest very comfortably on the pads below each hand-well. The keys are ortholinear meaning instead of the usual QWERTY keyboards having a slight staggering of the keys (and thus, at least for me, I have a lot of micro-adjusting of my hands and wrist as I'm typing) the keys being aligned straight up and down where my fingers are resting means all I have to do is flex my fingers foward and back to hit the proper key. Having the very often used keys on my thumbs (backspace/delete/enter/control/alt/windows+CMD key) mean no more stretching out my pinky to push it.

    Far more affordable options include the Iris split keyboards that are DIY in a kit (you provide your own key switches), which I've had my eye on for a long while but could never seem to tear myself away from the advantage 2. Since I've been issued a new laptop with work that is a lot thinner and easier to work out of a coffeeshop or drop-in desk somewhere with, I might start revisiting that conversation.

    For completeness sake - I use a logitec Ergo M575 trackball mouse. I grew up laughing at a family member who worked in tech for using this kind of mouse back when it was that ball of clay and an optical sensor. I'm not laughing anymore now that I have to use it so my hands don't hurt from work at by the end of the day 😭

  • I tried mending on a whim and this is who I am now
  • This has the fantastic parallel to Kintsugi. I also repair my own clothing like OP, but I just yesterday created a big horizontal tear in a pair of shorts I enjoy wearing and will try repairing them like you've linked here, it looks really nice!

    I also have a rather difficult time finding decent jeans in my correct waist and length, so I've taken to hemming my own pants and while the first time was terrifying (I'm cutting off the bottom of a perfectly good pair of jeans what if I mess up!?) it turned out amazing and I look and feel SUPER confident in the altered pants. So I recoimmend to anyone to give hemming their own clothes a try, maybe starting with a pair of pants that you'll repair like OP's anyway, you can't screw it up much worse anyway!

  • Does anyone here like "studying" art?
  • It just occured to me that you're probably talking more about the study of creating the art. But I already wrote out this post so here you go!

    A couple of youtube channels I greatly enjoy in the study of art composition, background, and history are

    • Great Art Explained. I first encountered this channel in an A to B to C starting from a Dunky video on the movie Playtime to my long fondness for Edward Hopper's Nighthawks and later recalling this analysis when I played through the jazz-filled adventure puzzle game Genesis Noir.
    • I'm just really into that Art Deco style, and when you think great art of course you think Magic the Gathering cards. Rhystic Studies has amazing breakdowns of both the story and art of MTG cards, like my favorite video on the art of the art deco inspired Streets of New Capenna set
  • 📣 Apollo will close down on June 30th. Reddit’s recent decisions and actions have unfortunately made it impossible for Apollo to continue. Thank you so, so much for all the support over the years. ❤️
  • Just going off of a quick stroll through the iOS app store (as of time of this post)

    • Apollo is the highest rated 3rd party reddit app at #11 in the News category (for comparison, the next highest was Narwhal at #75 within this same category)
    • Apollo does not however breach the top 200 apps app-store-wide. The official reddit app does at #52 overall. and enjoys the company of other ubiquitous apps like Hulu, Duolingo, Google Drive, and Disney+, all within 10 ranks of it on the overall list.
    • It does seem that reddit has crunched their numbers and gambled that 3rd party app users and the uproar they are in is a calculable loss against the groundswell of desktop and official reddit app users.
  • What bots would you like to see on Lemmy?
  • I saw someone attempt to invoke a !remindme bot in some other thread. I don't know if that's actually something that exists already, but that would probably be useful for people who use it.

  • This Is What It Takes To Be a Strong Town. Is Yours One?
  • I myself live in an unwalkable urban hellscape dystopia, looking at strong town channels is like looking into another dimension!

    When I travel, my absolute favorite thing to do is just walk around. And eat and drink and spend time among the people.

  • This Is What It Takes To Be a Strong Town. Is Yours One?
  • To mention a couple more YouTubers in the strong town space I recommend following:

    • Road Guy Bob explaining the reasoning behind traffic infrastructure and how municipalities often rethink and reimplement traffic features to meet the needs of the modern driver and the modern city.
    • City Beautiful discusses city planning from transportation to urban design.