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Person of considerable jank.

Posts 6
Comments 28

Is there a community for communities?

Like a cross-instance hub for people to share the communities they make/enjoy, and maybe like a pinned post with a big list of active communities?

I feel like something like this might be good for discovery.

*Permanently Deleted*
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  • What are your favorite browser extensions?
  • Permanently Deleted

  • Tell us about unpopular games you love, or even just appreciate some aspects of, contrary to the inteenet hivemind?
  • I personally did not enjoy this game, but I'm really happy to know there is someone who did. I hope there were at least enough people into it to help convince game devs to make more old school, wacky 3D platformers like it. I miss games like Banjo-Kazooie, DK64, etc.

  • Tell us about unpopular games you love, or even just appreciate some aspects of, contrary to the inteenet hivemind?
  • lol Yeah, I feel this too. RIP OW1. One of my favorite games, gone forever. 😭

  • What is your favourite 3rd party Lemmy client?
  • Still buggy for me, unfortunately. :(

    It doesn't crash, it just logs me out constantly and throws errors when I try to read a post.

  • What do you game on?
  • Permanently Deleted

  • What's the best way to archive a web page?

    With the looming threat of loads of people abandoning Reddit, I've realized that there are some threads I want to save. Are there any good tools for this?

    what are you playing this week?
  • Permanently Deleted

  • Is there a space to request features?

    I'm loving Lemmy so far, but there are a couple of things I'd really love to see implemented. Is there a good place to voice those ideas?


    For the last year, I've been maintaining a massive, curated "delightful list" of excellent creative FOSS. You can find tools for pretty much any creative task! delightful-creative-tools

    A curated list of delightful tools for digital creatives in a variety of mediums.


    Thought you all might enjoy this! There is a ton to explore here, but we're always open to new contributions and suggestions. We add new tools all the time, so check back every so often. :)

    "delightful lists" are the brainchild of @[email protected], and there are many more lists in other categories worth checking out, too.


    What topics for communities would you like to see on Lemmy that are either not already available or just currently underactive?


    Why do so many communities from federated instances 404?

    For instance, I can't access:

    And more. Are those specific communities banned here?
