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Speedrun video games Die4Ever

Quake - e2m7 Easy by Muty in 29sec (1sec improvement)

> A 1 second improvement over the previous record by Connor Fitzgerald.

> I finally put the theorised "grenadejump off the ogre" strat to the test, and it worked wonders. I did have some issues with the slope in the zombie room, so I decided to find a better alternative - a sliding grenadeboost off the zombie - that turned out to be quicker as well. I also found the last room to be slow in Connor's demo, and figured out quickly that you can bounce a grenade off the pillar, so when the main button gets hit the grenade explodes in front of the zombie just as the wall lowers. A bit rough in some spots, but unless new strats are found this is staying at 29.

Here's a Quake Speedruns Explained video about this record: "RIP My Last Golden-Age Quake Run..."

Speedrun video games Die4Ever

Sonic Adventure 2: Battle - All Stories in 50m 10.92s by iden

Speedrun video games Die4Ever

Super Mario World 96 Exit in 1:21:04 by oo_sui 96exit 12104 - oo_sui on Twitch

oo_sui went live on Twitch. Catch up on their Super Mario World VOD now.

96exit 12104 - oo_sui on Twitch

(btw reminder that ESA is starting in less than 8 days )

Speedrun video games Die4Ever

Super Mario 64 - 120 Star in 1:36:02 by Weegee 120 star for 1:35 - weegee on Twitch

weegee went live on Twitch. Catch up on their Super Mario 64 VOD now.

While Summer Games Done Quick is finishing up their last day, Weegee just smashed his own WR by 19 seconds! This is 27 seconds ahead of 2nd place (Karin)

Speedrun video games Die4Ever

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 100% (No SRM) in 3:45:25 by AxelLarsen

Beating glitchymon's 3:45:39 from 5 months ago

Speedrun video games Die4Ever

Deus Ex Randomizer - Speedrun in 1:45:14 by Nitram (Hard, Glitchless)

cross-posted from:

This is the fastest time since the release of v2.6 (which had a bunch of additions and changes that slowed down the speedrun for everyone) so we're calling this the new world record speedrun in this post-v2.6 era. This was played on v2.6.3.6 Alpha.

Nitram came on to the scene very quickly getting sub-2 hour runs with a totally different strategy than we've been doing. Previously we were focusing on running past everything as quickly as possible and hacking all computers in our path. But Nitram starts the game with lots of looting, more careful combat with less deaths, and typically not getting the Computer skill until the end of the game or not at all! In this run he got Computer skill right at the very end (1:38:57 in the video) because of Silo. I guess since he found the computer right away he didn't have time to find the datacube before finding the computer.

It is yet to be seen if the minimal, run past everything approach can beat this time in v2.6+, we will have to wait and see if other runners attempt it or follow this strategy. But it is exciting to have such a shakeup in the meta, and it seems the Randomizer is currently balanced enough to allow these completely different strategies to be viable even for the speedrun.

The previous world record was 1:28:02 by Ramisme in v2.5.4, about 5 months ago:

(And yes, we have our own version of LiveSplit built right into the game's HUD. It autosplits and removes load times.)

Speedrun video games Die4Ever

Super Mario World - All Castles in 33:39 by oo_sui All Castles 33:39 - oo_sui on Twitch

oo_sui went live on Twitch. Catch up on their Super Mario World VOD now.

All Castles 33:39 - oo_sui on Twitch

New world record of 33m 39s 350ms, beating the 33m 45s 550ms from 11 months ago by maibaRTA

Speedrun video games Die4Ever

Halo: CE in 1:02:49 Legendary by SlothSG (first ever sub 1:03)

> After months and months of pain losing runs nearly every day to Library and some beyond, I have finally broken a minute barrier. This has been one of the most mentally taxing things that I have done. This is one of my favorite games of all time, and being tested by it and trying to perfect it has been quite the journey. There is still timesave to be had, so I will be trying to go for a low 1:02. I don't know if I could get a 1:01, but who knows.

> If I look giga over it at the start of the run, it's because the 2 days prior to this didn't even have a single run to library. So I was getting quite frustrated. But I refused to give up. Since I knew I had the ability to do it.

Speedrun video games Die4Ever

DOOM Eternal 100% Restricted Ultra-Nightmare in 1h40m32s by gycnob

Speedrun video games Die4Ever

Half-Life Speedrun in 26:09 by Muty

> Twitch VOD w/ music: > Half-Life leaderboards: > Watch me try to get sub 26 here:

> Took me 3000 attempts since September to get a new proper PB and beat Kana by one second. Many unfortunate moments in the run, I even felt the WR slipping away in Xen, but I clinged on and managed to finish it. The race for sub 26 is firing on all cylinders now, here's hoping that third time lucky after all those battles with Maxam and I get to be first to break a minute barrier, this time against Kana. After that, if no major breakthroughs happen in the game, I am retiring from this category for good. It's been an amazing 5 years.

Muty has an impressive SRC profile:

Speedrun video games Die4Ever

Zelda Ocarina of Time - Defeat Ganon No SRM in 11:41 by dannyb, over a minute saved using new glitch

> The first world record for this category set with the new gamecube-only Dynawarp glitch that is capable of warping anywhere in the game! This saved more than a minute over the previous route mostly due to being able to warp straight to ganon, bypassing the tower collapse cutscene. This is my first (and probably only) world record in this category, really hyped to have been a part of this discovery, route development, and getting my name in the WR history of another category! This beat the previous WR of 11:47 by lozoots set on the previous route, and was retimed to exactly 11:41.317.

initial explanation of the new glitch here:

> During the production of this video, it was discovered this glitch can lead to wrong warp chaining on the Gamecube version This discovery will lead to an even faster route for Defeat Ganon, as well as other categories. Keep an eye out for a video from DannyB

more about this glitch, from dannyb

Speedrun video games Die4Ever

Ultimate Doom Episode 1 UVMAX in 17:37 by Bainshie-Doom

> Old record: ZeroMaster 17:49 2023-12-21 (-12s)

>Comment: > >so after ZeroMaster rerouted some of the Ep1 route, I had to give getting the record back a shot. Was more difficult than expected, with a lot of retrying E1M1 over and over before a run could start. > >Might look at Ep2 next

>E1M1: 0:34 +0 > >Not a great time, the absolute maximum I'll accept to start a run. Last Imp tanking two shots and the first area was a mess. Best time is 4 seconds faster than this.

>E1M2: 1:42 -5 (-5) > >Average time for me, the first area was good (With only the imp not going down the elevator being annoying), maze was sloppy but ended with an ok time. Best time was 6 seconds faster than that.

>E1M3: 2:38 -4 (-9) > >Very good time, fast first area led me to a good time here. Best time was

>E1M9 1:48 +4 (-6) > >This was a good time, although slower than the previous records (ZM's E1M9 was insanely fast) Got stuck a bit on the blue key area, but only had one pinkie stuck not too far away at the end. Being ahead of the record after this map is a good sign.

>E1M4 1:54 -6 (-12) > >Where are start gaining serious time. This is actually not the best time due to the zombieman refusing to walk in the right area, losing me about 4-5 seconds as I wait for them then have to detour, and losing another second due to the barrel not exploding. Still gain some time here however as I don't grab the ammo box which is way faster. Fastest time was about 7-10 seconds better than this.

>E1M5 2:11 -11 (-23) > >Had a good switch room, setting me up for every good time here. Trying to manage ammo for the later levels. Fastest time is a good 7 seconds than this.

>E1M6 3:12 +2 (-21) > >Had a TERRIBLE start, with the shotgunner refusing to walk into position, and some unlucky shotgun blasts, and made up for it with a faster more aggressive last room (Can be more aggressive if I don't accidentally trigger the second pinkie). Fastest time a good 5 seconds faster.

>E1M7 2:44 +4 (-17) > >I can't match ZM's speed on the last two levels, so the entire process is just trying to reduce the damage. I lose time here from bad movement, bad barrels and less infighting. Best time is 6 seconds faster than this.

>E1M8 54 +5 (-12) > >Nerves are a thing here, although I nearly get trapped (Which has only happened to me once before), messing up the positions. Pinkies at the start aren't helpful and lose me another 1-2 seconds. Managed to hit the final trick for a +5 time. The best time is 7 seconds faster than that.

Speedrun video games Die4Ever

Half-Life in 26:10 scriptless by KaNanga

Speedrun video games Die4Ever

Super Mario Bros. Glitchless in 5:02.685 by Niftksi, 12 frames from TAS

Clutched the 5:02.6xx in classic Niftski fashion by having a bad first room fast accel and saving it with second room fast accel! I got this in only 7 attempts with the first run out of 4-2 getting it as well! Glitchless is now only 0.2 seconds / 12 frames away from the TAS, which is a 5:02.485. I do not plan on just stopping here, I would love to push this to a lower 5:02.6xx in the future since there are 3 easy frames to save in first room. A 5:02.5xx is possible with third room TAS accel + more accels, but if I were to ever achieve this, it would definitely be my stopping point.

Speedrun video games Die4Ever

Ultimate Doom - individual WR for each episode, UV-Max, by Zero Master

This is a playlist containing new WRs for each of the 4 episodes for Ultimate Doom. Also an older video for Final Doom: Plutonia, but the Ultimate Doom ones are the new ones so I'll keep this post about those.

UV-Max: Ultra-violence difficulty, while collecting ALL secrets (with the exception of those that are unreachable due to bugs), and killing ALL monsters (lost souls don't count).

Episode 1 in 17:49, 51 second improvement over the previous record.

Episode 2 in 23:30, 32 seconds faster than the previous record.

Episode 3 in 16:48, 33 seconds faster than the previous record.

Episode 4 in 17:50, 4 minutes and 4 seconds faster than the previous record.

Read the video descriptions for more info! Zero Master always makes really good descriptions for his videos, with breakdowns of each level.

Speedrun video games Die4Ever

Mario 64 - 120 Star in 1:36:21 by Weegee 120 for WR - weegee on Twitch

weegee went live on Twitch. Catch up on their Super Mario 64 VOD now.

This is beating Karin's 1:36:48 from 2 months ago.

This is just 2 days after he was on pace for a 1:35 before losing it to failed carpetless here:

So I expect to see another WR from Weegee soon. (Now back to watching AGDQ lol)

Speedrun video games Die4Ever

Zombies Ate My Neighbors - 100% in 1h13m59s by PensivePineapple ZAMN 100% 1:13:58 - pensivepineapple on Twitch

pensivepineapple went live on Twitch. Catch up on their Zombies Ate My Neighbors VOD now.

ZAMN 100% 1:13:58 - pensivepineapple on Twitch

>Run using OpenEmu 2.3.3, SNES9x 1.62.3 > >I started the timer a little late and adjusted the time accordingly. > >I was a bit out of practice for this run so there were some rusty parts. There were also a few lucky parts particularly with squidmen. > >Below are the major changes I made to routing: > >32: Save the speed shoes, use them later... > >34: Take the red potion earlier and save the neighbors on the righthand side last. > >41: Use speed shoes and get the speed shoes on this level - routing completely changed. > >44: Routing completely changed. > >45: Use speed shoes.

Speedrun video games Die4Ever

Super Mario 64 - 70 Star in 46:28 by ikori_o

Beating his own WR from about 4 days ago by 9 seconds!

Speedrun video games Die4Ever

Super Mario 64 - 70 Star in 46:37 by ikori_o

Beating Suigi's previous WR of 46m41s from 5 months ago

Speedrun video games Die4Ever

Super Mario Bros. Both Quests in 7:59.926 by Niftski

> FIRST EVER SUB 8 BOTH QUESTS! After not being able to finish out the sub 8 after my previous two Any% WRs when I had the perfect chance to, I knew I had to return to this category and break the minute barrier. In just 46 attempts of going for this, I was able to get a whopping 8 4:55s in the process: 2 4:55.547s, a 4:55.563, a 4:55.580, 3 4:55.597s, and a 4:55.713, making me 17% at getting 4:55 this session! I hope to lower this even further in the future, and maybe one day to a 7:58, as this second quest route would align with it perfectly after a 4:54.5xx/4xx. :D