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Welcome to Furrywriting! - Rules and more info about this community

Hello to all furries, welcome to furrywriting.

This is a little community within for the scribes among us. For the inks and quills of the fandom. For... you get the idea: this is the place to share and discuss stories relating to the furry fandom.

Whether a story about your real experiences in the fandom, a fictional story themed around anthrophomorphic animals, or a discussion about worldbuilding for anthrophomorphic animals and its worlds, all are welcome.

But before you dive in, heed well, as our community has so called rules to follow. Scroll further down and you will see what it says.


What to Expect

What sort of contents should you post and expect to find here?

Fictional Stories

> Share stories here as long as they prominently feature anthrophomorphic animals. Whether short or long, uploaded/published here or elsewhere, filled with many or only one anthros, for as long as anthro animals had plenty of relevance to the story, it should fit here. > > Try to make sure the story fit within the general furry/anthro theme of this community. Other contents beside stories have different rules as seen below.

Discussions About Writing

> Ask questions about the writing craft. When it comes to the nitty gritty of writing, you are not limited to only ask or give advices for furry-related stuff. You can ask general questions about the writing craft, such as grammar rules, whether to use a comma or a period, how to write a good first chapter, or things to avoid in writing.

Real Life Experiences Within the Fandom

> What impact did this community have in your life? How is your experience in the last anthro convention or your last fursuit outing? Do you have any other stories to share about your experiences with the fandom in real life? Share it here! > > You are not limited to just fictional stories in this community. You can also post real life experiences and anecdotes if you want to.

Discussions About Anthro Worldbuilding

> How would a society filled with anthro animals look? How different would it be to human societies? What details might we miss about anthro animals? What about being covered in fur, having paws, or having a tail entails? > > Discuss about the intricacies of furry worldbuilding here! Talk about the design of a world filled with anthro animals and how it would look. Talk about how a single anthro would survive in a world full of humans. Or perhaps talk about your idea for an anthro races in your story. > > You can post about character design or worldbuilding detail here even if the full story isn't primarily about anthros, as long as the design or detail have a bit of anthro elements. What matters here are the anthro elements of the story.

Poetry and Other Written Arts

> Much like stories, you can share poetries and other written furry arts here. But much like stories, try to make sure the written arts fit within the general furry/anthro theme.

In summary:

> You can expect the following contents in this community > - Fictional stories > - Discussions about writing > - Real life experiences within the fandom > - Discussions about worldbuilding > - Poetry and other written arts

Additional Notes:

> Anthro/furry themed fanfictions, such as fanfics of Sonic the Hedgehog, Undertale, Pokemon, etc, are allowed in this community. Though, we recommend posting these fanfictions to its own fan community first if it exists.


Post Titles

Post titles should ideally include a short flair about its contents in bracket. For example, if you upload a story, the title should look like this: [Story] The Raccoon's Wish

The text in bracket should be based on the post's content. For reference, this is the brackets and contents pair we recommend: > - [Story] for fictional stories and worlds. > - [Writing] for discussions about writing. > - [Real Life] for sharing real life stories. > - [Worldbuilding] for posts about furry worldbuilding. > - [Poetry] for poetries. > - [Promotional] for promotional contents as mentioned in rule 2 of this community. > - [Meta] for posts about this community itself. > - [Other] for posts that doesn't fit the other categories.

Posts made before this post title change does not have to be retroactively edited with post titles.



01. Follow code of conducts

> Their code of conducts can be found here. In summary: > 1. No contents or conducts that are illegal in the United States. > 2. No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and other discrimination. > 3. Don't stalk or harass other users. > 4. No misinformation and deceptive content. > 5. Content warning policy. For this lemmy instance specifically: NSFW content must be tagged. > 6. Do not perform pentesting without approval, do not spam or advertise, and limit the scope of automated tools (see the full code of conducts). > 7. Use the report system. > 8. Account policies, see the full code of conducts.

02. Limit the Amount of Promotional Contents

> Do not spam or post too many promotional contents in a row here. Contents are considered promotional if one can't see the full contents without paying, such as novels (which must be purchased before it can be read), books, or patron-only story. > > For a general rule of thumb, ensure that there are only one promotional content every few posts when sorting the community by new. We do not want this community to be flooded by posts which only promotes paid content, as these generally do not create much engagement. > > Remember that spam and advertising are not allowed as per rule 6 of this instance

03. Tag NSFW Contents

> NSFW contents are allowed here, but please tag them properly as NSFW. > > Note: anything erotic counts as NSFW, even if it isn't inherently sexual. This means fatfur or hyperfur story counts as NSFW even if it isn't inherently NSFW, given that most people probably don't want to see it unmarked in the all feed.

04. Negative Conducts are Only Allowed in Fiction

> This community allows stories that contain negative conducts, even if it explores topics such as transphobia, homophobia, discrimination, bullying, violence, et cetera, as long as: > - The negativity is kept completely fictional (don't do all of the above outside of fiction to another user). > - The story doesn't promote or encourage such conduct. > - The story doesn't paint such conduct with positivity. > - The moral value of the story doesn't support such conducts. > > After all, stories are a great way to explore and express negative topics (think of stories such as Animal Farm by George Orwell). > > But, when posting stories or ideas with negative conducts as mentioned above, please place content warning within the post title and body text. For example: > - [Story] [TW: Transphobia] Another Gender, Another Species > - [Story] [TW: Violence] The Lone Wolf > > Fictional discrimination, such as discrimination against anthro by humans, doesn't require content warning.

05. Posting Stories Made by Other People

> You are allowed to post stories, ideas, or worlds made by other writers aside from yourself, as long as: > - You don't repost the story directly here by copy pasting. Instead, link the story's page in your post. > - We encourage you to write a little summary or review in the post's body explaining the reason you recommend the story here. > - Make sure the artist wouldn't mind. Do not post stuff under a DNP or if the writer explicitly states not to repost their content. This includes content behind a paywall. > - Do not spam or overwhelm this community with stories made by other writers.

06. Avoid Posting Exteme Contents

> The following things are not allowed in any stories, world, and ideas uploaded or mentioned here. They are not allowed even with content warning: > - Stories which spread misinformation or propaganda. > - Extreme violence, torture, sadism, and non-consensual stuff.

In Summary:

> 1. Follow code of conducts. > 2. Limit the amount of promotional contents > 3. Tag NSFW contents properly > 4. Negative conducts are only allowed in fiction and put content warnings on them > 5. Read the full version of the rules for posting contents made by other people > 6. Avoid posting misinformation and extreme contents


Would furry anthros wear clothes?

Most fursonas do wear clothes. But putting aside the aesthetics factor and focusing more on the practicality-- would a furry anthro in an anthro society wear clothes?

Focusing solely on mammalian anthros with fur. Well, they have fur, so temperature regulation and the elements aren't really reasons to wear clothes given that they have natural, furry clothes already. Wearing clothes on top of that might be too warm, especially in the summer.

The thing I'm wondering is, would anthros figure out to make clothings themselves? And if they do, how would they look? Having their body completely covered in fur might make shirts and pants irrelevant, which means they might never develop them in the first place. I suppose other articles of clothings like armbands, headbands, etc would still exist, and so would practical items like glasses or watches.

Of course, clothing serves more purpose than just covering bare skins. They serve aesthetic purposes and shows our identity. For example, police anthros might wear some sort of stuff to distinguish themselves. And much like humans, anthros would probably have a culture around clothing, but how their clothing would look and how much it'll cover is the question.

Would most anthros only wear head and armbands? Maybe just something to cover their bottoms and nothing else? Or would they wear clothes similar to us?

Furthermore, different animals have different fur with different thickness, length, shapes, forms, etc. These different furs require different clothing. Anthros with thicker fur may wear less clothing than ones with thinner fur. Even more, different anthros will have different body shape and size. Clothing for rabbit sonas may not fit bear sonas.

Anthros might have different size standards for different species to account their differences. Imagine how hard it'd be to manufacture all the different variations, though. Any clothes store would have to take into account multiple species and multiple sizes for that species.

Well, I think that's interesting to think about.


Bat Wings

When it comes to anthropomorphic animals, designs tend to go in one of these directions:

  • Embrace animal design and differences in anatomy
  • Mostly human design with animal aesthetic

What I'm trying to envision is a world where furries evolved closer to the human design, but not completely.

What I would like to discuss is, how do you think bats would have developed, particularly their wings?

The "easiest" implementation is give them back wings. But that doesn't make sense evolutionarily. Bat wings are formed from their arms and "hands". Having an extra set of limbs emerge that replicates their "arm wings" they lost seems unlikely.

Ok, so how about leaving the wings on their arms? Sure. But now I want to toss another problem in this world. Hands gave us the ability to manipulate our environment and make tools. I feel that would have been a necessary step towards human-like intelligence.

Let's say their phalanges shrunk to be more finger like. This along with being human-sized should make their wings useless, right? Even if they kept long phalanges like they do now, would they still be able to have true flight?

If I assume the ability to fly is highly diminished, then the conclusion I'm making is that bats would prefer to maximize the ability to use their hands. In this world, bats would surgically remove the wing skin between their fingers to give them proper hands. Some may even remove all of it (and some fringe would keep it) allowing their arms to fit in standard clothing.

So, what do you think? Does this design make sense for this type of world? How would you design a bat?


Taxidermy in an anthro setting

Of course it'd be pretty horrific to see a stuffed deer head mounted on the wall -- amongst a group of anthro deer especially, but amongst ANY anthro character too, I'd imagine.

But of course it all depends. Whenever we consider such things in an anthro universe, it inevitably comes back to this question of which creatures are "people" and which ones are "actually" animals. Feral versus anthro, I suppose.

My favorite example of this is: consider how the wildebeest in The Lion King aren't people -- they are just a mindless herd of animals into which Mufasa falls and then he's stampeded to death.

I don't really have a point here. I just wanted to share a thought that I had while writing my story, which is a setting where birds and fish are NOT anthro, and that's why it's "okay" for the seafood restaurant to have a giant swordfish mounted on the wall.