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Private Companies, Government Surveillance Software and Human Rights Private Companies, Government Surveillance Software and Human Rights

It's old news that governments around the world are misusing private company-sold digital surveillance software track and target people for human rights abuses. Recently, Amnesty International reported finding that two prominent Moroccan human rights defenders had been targeted using Israeli-based.....

Private Companies, Government Surveillance Software and Human Rights

> Some, including Citizen Lab and UN Special Rapporteur David Kaye, have suggested that a moratorium on the sale, transfer, and use of this kind of surveillance software should go into effect until a robust human-rights-compliant regulatory framework is in place. “Companies appear to be operating without constraint,” says Kaye. “It is critical that companies themselves adhere to their human rights responsibilities, including by disclosing their transfers, conducting rigorous human rights impact assessments, and avoiding transfers to States unable to guarantee their compliance with their human rights obligations.”


Introduction to the Rights-Based Approach link

> The field of social development has seen three major approaches to dealing with problems:

> the Charity Model

> the Needs-Based Approach

> the Rights-Based Approach

> For half a century, developing nations were arguing at the United Nations sessions for the need to recognize the right to development as a human right. With a growing globalization process and several political changes around the world, and with increasing pressure from developing nations, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Right to Development.

>> “The right to development is an inalienable human right by virtue of which every human person and all peoples are entitled to participate in, contribute to, and enjoy economic, social, cultural and political development, in which all human rights and fundamental freedoms can be fully realised.”

> This declaration gave a strong boost to the Rights-Based Approach to development and marked a new era in social development.


Einstein's letter to Freud about the psychology of war and governance Einstein's letter to Freud about the psychology of war and governance

Albert Einstein is synonymous with genius. While we’re all aware of his outstanding contributions to science, much of his brilliance is incomprehensible to us because it pertains to such an […]

Einstein's letter to Freud about the psychology of war and governance