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Estimate laptop power consumption (/sys/class/powercap/*/energy_uj)

Hello everyone !

I have no idea if I’m in the right community, because it’s a mix of hardware and some light code/command to extract the power consumption out of my old laptop. I need some assistance and if someone way more intelligent than me could check the code and give feedback :)

Important infos

  • 12 year old ASUS N76 laptop
  • Bare bone server running Debian 12
  • No battery (died long time ago)

Because I have no battery connected to my laptop It's impossible to use tools like lm-sensors, powerstat, powertop to output the wattage. But from the following ressource I can estimate the power based on the Energy.

time=1 declare T0=($(sudo cat /sys/class/powercap/*/energy_uj)); sleep $time; declare T1=($(sudo cat /sys/class/powercap/*/energy_uj)) for i in "${!T0[@]}"; do echo - | awk "{printf \"%.1f W\", $((${T1[i]}-${T0[i]})) / $time / 1e6 }" ; done

While It effectively outputs something, I'm not sure if I can rely on that to estimate the power consumption and if the code is actually correct? :/

Thanks :).


My goal is to calculate the power drawn from my laptop without any electric appliance (maybe a worded my question/title wrong?). While It could be easily done with the top package or lm-sensors, this only work by measuring the battery discharge, which in my case is impossible because my laptop is directly connected to the outlet with his power cord (battery died years ago).

I dug a bit further through the web and found someone who asked the same question on While this gives a different reference point, nobody actually could answer the question.

This seems a bit harder than I though and is actually related to the /sys/class/powercap/*/energy_uj files and though someone could give me a bit more details on how this works and what the output actually shows.

This is also related to the power capping framework in the linux kernel? And as per the documentation this is representing the CPU packages current energy counter in micro joules.

So I came a bit closer in understanding how it works and what it does, even tough I’m still not sure what am I actually looking at :\ .


Terminal navigation and Editors

Hi everyone :)

I'm slowly getting used on how to navigate and edit things in the terminal without leaving the keyboard and arrow keys. I'm getting faster and It improved my workflow in the terminal (Yeahhii).

ctrl + a e f b u k ... alt + f b d ... But yesterday I had such a bad experience while editing a backup bash script with nano. It took me like an hour to completely edit small changes like a caveman and always broke the editor when I used memory reflex terminal shortcuts.

This really pissed me... I know nano also has minimal/limited shortcuts but having to memorize and switch between different one for different purpose seems like a waste of time.

I think I tried emacs a few month ago but It didn't clicked. I didn't spend enough time though, tried it for a few minutes and deleted it afterwards. Maybe I should give it a second try?

I also gave Vim a try, but that session is still open and can't exit (😂 )! Vim seems rather to complex for my workflow, I'm just a self-taught poweruser making his way through linux. Am I wrong?

Isn't there something more "universal" ? That works everywhere I go the same? Something portable, so I can use it everywhere I go?

I'm very interested in everyone's thought, insight, personal experience and tip/tricks to avoid what happened yesterday !

Thanks !


Removing/deep cleanup of installed package doesn't work as expected. (remove, purge, autoremove)

Hi everyone :)

After installing the emacs package and trying to remove it afterwards:

sudo apt remove --purge --autoremove emacs

It only removed that package and not the other dependencies installed with it (emacs-gtk, emacs-common...). I had to manually remove them one-by-one.

Isn't that command supposed:

  • remove package
  • it's configuration files
  • remove unused packages automatically installed ?

What am I missing here?

Also after reading the Stupid things you've done that broke your Linux installation post, I read a lot of people messing up their debian system after using the above command... So I assume that's not the correct way of doing things in Linux?

Some insight from experienced user would be great :)