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Have you seen this video tutorial on how to extract plots, curves and data points from images using #LabPlot's Data Picker tool ?

Have you seen this video tutorial on how to extract plots, curves and data points from images using #LabPlot's Data Picker tool ?

@[email protected]

Data Picker has been available in LabPlot since the version 2.2, but we renamed it recently to Data Extractor.\_Pz5aA-4Xg

\#LabPlot #DataVisualization #PlotDigitizer #DataExtraction #DataExtractor #Plots #Graphs #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #FOSS #FLOSS


#LabPlot is currently fully available in British English, Catalan, Dutch, Galician, German, Polish, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish and partially available in French, Italian, Ukrainian, Russian and other

\#LabPlot is currently fully available in British English, Catalan, Dutch, Galician, German, Polish, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish and partially available in French, Italian, Ukrainian, Russian and other languages.

@[email protected]

We would like to thank all LabPlot's translators and encourage others to provide translations in other languages ❤️ 🙂

Check translation statistics: ▶️

Please get involved! ▶️\_Involved/translation

\#Translation #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #FOSS #KDE


This page contains a list of external resources mentioning #LabPlot and its usage in various areas 👨‍🔬 🔭 🔬 .

This page contains a list of external resources mentioning #LabPlot and its usage in various areas 👨‍🔬 🔭 🔬 .


@[email protected]

If you are aware of other resources that could be listed there, please contact us.

\#LabPlot #Science #Research #Students #Physics #Medicine #Chemistry #Biology #Engineering #Ecology #Electronics #Robotics #Education #OpenSource #FreeSoftware


If you want to learn #statistics, we highly recommend this YouTube channel: #TileStats.

If you want to learn #statistics, we highly recommend this YouTube channel: #TileStats.

@[email protected]

You can start with this Basic Statistics course: ➡️

\#Students #DataAnalysis #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #Teaching


An open access article by W. Morales González and J. E. Hernández-Ruiz: Experiencias en el uso del software LabPlot en el procesamiento analítico y gráfico de datos experimentales


You can fit data to a statistical distribution in a flash using #LabPlot


▶️ LabPlot - Tutorial - Stacked Plots

▶️ LabPlot - Tutorial - Stacked Plots

@[email protected]

Catalyst Nanomaterials Lab has published another video tutorial that shows how to create stunning stacked plots in #LabPlot. Go check it out!

\#FreeSoftware #DataAnalysis #DataVisualization #Research #OriginProAlternative #Science #Tutorial #FLOSS #FOSS #OpenSource #StackedPlots #ProbabilityDistribution #AlternativeTo #KDE #Students #Researchers #Professionals #SciDavis #Technology


The #LabPlot team is already hard working on new features. Check out our growing list of the post-v2.11 development news! 🚀 🚀 🚀 Come join us! 🙂


▶️ Como instalar o editor de plotagens de #LabPlot no #Linux via #Flatpak


▶️ LabPlot - A free OriginPro alternative for Researchers (Distribution Plots)

▶️ LabPlot - A free OriginPro alternative for Researchers (Distribution Plots)

@[email protected]

Catalyst Nanomaterials Lab has published another video tutorial that shows how to create stunning distribution plots in #LabPlot. Go check it out!


\#FreeSoftware #DataAnalysis #DataViz #Research #OriginProAlternative #Science #Tutorial #FLOSS #FOSS #OpenSource #Business #Histogram #ProbabilityDistribution #AlternativeTo #KDE #Students #Researchers #Professionals #SciDavis


▶️ LabPlot - A free OriginPro alternative for #Researchers (Scatter Plots)

▶️ LabPlot - A free OriginPro alternative for #Researchers (Scatter Plots)

@[email protected]

Catalyst Nanomaterials Lab has published another video tutorial that shows how to create stunning scatter plots, analyze correlations, and uncover hidden patterns in your data using #LabPlot. Go check it out!


\#FreeSoftware #DataAnalysis #DataViz #Research #OriginProAlternative #Science #Tutorial #FLOSS #FOSS #OpenSource #Business #ScatterPlot #Correlation #SciDavis #Students


▶️ LabPlot - A free OriginPro alternative for Researchers (Histogram Plotting)

▶️ LabPlot - A free OriginPro alternative for Researchers (Histogram Plotting)

@[email protected]

Catalyst Nanomaterials Lab has published another video tutorial that reveals the secrets of creating stunning histograms in #LabPlot. Go check it out!


\#FreeSoftware #DataAnalysis #DataViz #Research #OriginProAlternative #Science #Tutorial #FLOSS #FOSS #OpenSource #Business #Histogram #ProbabilityDistribution #AlternativeTo #KDE


The graying open source community needs fresh blood :opensource: 💉 🩸

The graying open source community needs fresh blood :opensource: 💉 🩸

@[email protected] @kde\_open\_source\_attract\_devs/

We agree with the main thesis of the article. And that's one of the reasons why the #LabPlot team strongly supports the idea of mentorship of students and actively participates in such programs as the Season of KDE (SoK) or Google Summer of Code.

\#OpenSource #FOSS #FLOSS #FreeSoftware #Mentorship #KDESoK #GSoC #Development #SoftwareDevelopment #Coding #Leadership #Community #KDE


Labplot gets funding from NLnet to work on:


➡️ LabPlot - A free OriginPro alternative for Researchers (Multiple Peak Fit)

➡️ LabPlot - A free OriginPro alternative for Researchers (Multiple Peak Fit)

@[email protected]

Catalyst Nanomaterials Lab has published another video tutorial that will show you how to fit multiple peaks in your data using #LabPlot. Go check it out!

\#FreeSoftware #DataAnalysis #DataViz #Research #OriginProAlternative #Science #Tutorial #FLOSS #FOSS #OpenSource #Business #BaselineCorrection #Peak #AlternativeTo #SciDavis


➡️ LabPlot - A free OriginPro alternative for Researchers (Baseline Correction)

➡️ LabPlot - A free OriginPro alternative for Researchers (Baseline Correction)

@[email protected]

Catalyst Nanomaterials Lab has published another video tutorial that will show you how to Identify and remove unwanted baselines in your data using #LabPlot. Go check it out!

\#FreeSoftware #DataAnalysis #DataViz #Research #OriginProAlternative #Science #Tutorial #FLOSS #FOSS #OpenSource #Business #BaselineCorrection #AlternativeTo


➡️ LabPlot - A free OriginPro alternative for Researchers (Tutorial 1 - Download and Installation)

➡️ LabPlot - A free OriginPro alternative for Researchers (Tutorial 1 - Download and Installation)

@[email protected]

Catalyst Nanomaterials Lab has published a video tutorial that will guide you through downloading and installing LabPlot on your system. Go check it out!

\#LabPlot #FreeSoftware #DataAnalysis #DataViz #Research #OriginProAlternative #Science #Tutorial #FLOSS #FOSS #OpenSource #Business #AlternativeTo


The latest release of #LabPlot is here! 🚀 🙂

The latest release of #LabPlot is here! 🚀 🙂

@[email protected]

LabPlot 2.11 comes with many new features and improvements in various areas.

Go get it! ➡️

Read more about the release here: ➡️

\#DataAnalysis #DataScience #Analytics #Data #DataAnalytics #DataViz #DataVisualization #Science #Statistics #Mathematics #FOSS #FLOSS #OpenSource #KDE #Education #Business #SciDAViS


Easy work with a #TriangularDistribution is now possible in #LabPlot .

Easy work with a #TriangularDistribution is now possible in #LabPlot [dev].

@[email protected]

Here are some of the most common applications of the triangular distribution:

▶️ Business and economic simulations ▶️ Risk analysis ▶️ Natural phenomena modeling ▶️ Decision-making ▶️ Manufacturing and quality control

\#Business #Risk #DataAnalysis #Simulation #DataAnalysis #DataScience #Statistics #FOSS #OpenSource #Analytics #Projects #Math #Education


Your Data Is Yours with #LabPlot.

#LabPlot is currently fully available in British English, Catalan, Dutch, Galician, German, Polish, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish and partially available in French, Italian, Ukrainian, Russian and other
  • @[email protected]

    #LabPlot is now also fully available in Ukrainian and French! Thank you ❤️🙂

    The following translations still need some work... And other languages need a bit more work 😉

  • The latest release of #LabPlot is here! 🚀 🙂
  • @[email protected]

    Since July you can enjoy the new 2.11.1 version of #LabPlot, an open-source data analysis and visualization software.

    Check your current version and ask your package maintainer to provide the latest version for your #Linux and #FreeBSD distribution.


    #DataAnalysis #Statistics #Research #Ubuntu #LinuxMint #ArchLinux #Slackware #Debian #Fedora #OpenSUSE #RedHat #HaikuOS #GNU #CentOS #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #Manjaro #Zorin #FOSS #FLOSS #KDE

  • ▶️ LabPlot - A free OriginPro alternative for Researchers (Histogram Plotting)
  • @maulanahirzan @[email protected]

    Thank you for sharing your opinion. We love to hear that you enjoy using #LabPlot. We invite you to also subscribe to our LabPlot YouTube channel.

  • ▶️ LabPlot - A free OriginPro alternative for Researchers (Histogram Plotting)
  • @maulanahirzan @[email protected]

    Thank you for sharing your opinion. We love to hear that you enjoy using LabPlot. We invite you to also subscribe to our LabPlot YouTube channel.

  • Do you know Paul F. Velleman's Fourteen Data Aphorisms for Data Analysis ❓
  • @[email protected] @[email protected] I love this practical interpretation of the empirical method. It can be quite hard to remain objective while your brain is grasping for familiar narratives! I find curiosity is a great way to resolve the cognitive dissonance.

  • Do you know Paul F. Velleman's Fourteen Data Aphorisms for Data Analysis ❓
  • 13/ Another of Paul F. Velleman's aphorisms is related to the co-evolution of different aspects of data analysis.

    @[email protected]

    ➡️ The data analysis process rarely proceeds in an orderly march from question to answer.

    ➡️ Software that requires us to know the question before we can seek answers hinders real data analysis.

    #DataAnalysis #DataScience #Analytics #Data #DataAnalytics #DataViz #DataVisualization #Science #Statistics #Math #STEM #FOSS #OpenSource #KDE #Education #Business #LabPlot

  • Your Data Is Yours with #LabPlot.
  • @morganist @[email protected]

    Thank you for your kind comment 🙂

  • Did you know that you can work with Jupyter notebooks directly in LabPlot?
  • @silmaril Thank you for your feedback! And let us reiterate here that any help would be greatly appreciated 🙂

  • Did you know that you can work with Jupyter notebooks directly in LabPlot?
  • @silmaril "system version" is the version that was used by your system/distribution to link cantor against. We'll re-phrase this part to make it more clear until we have a better and more flexible solution in place.

    Yes, showing the version should be possible in the settings dialog. We added this point to our TODO-list.

  • Did you know that you can work with Jupyter notebooks directly in LabPlot?
  • Would it be possible to display the Python version and/or it's executable path in the CAS configuration dialog?

    That's where I would look for this information and it wouldn't leave any potential for documentation not being up to date.

    The FAQ currently states:

    On Linux distributions it usually means LabPlot only works with the system version of Python.

    What is the "system version"?

    On my system python3 --version returns Python 3.10.12, but print(sys.version) in LabPlot returns 3.11.9 (main, Nov 10 2011, 15:00:00) [GCC 13.2.0]

    The information about Python versions on Windows seems to be correct, but I would recommend to mention the LabPlot version we are talking about in the FAQ, since this will probably change in future versions.

  • Did you know that you can work with Jupyter notebooks directly in LabPlot?
  • @silmaril this is correct at the moment. Clearly, this not what people want to have usually and we need to change this.

    To determine the required version, you can check the dependencies of executable ‘cantor_pyrhonserver’ on Linux either in your package manager or with ldd. For windows we compile and ship everything and document the required version of python in our FAQ.