Guess the Episode
1 point for the episode/main plot.
1 point for the joke/scene.
Hello, Points Island.
Guess the Episode
1 point for the episode/main plot.
1 point for the joke/scene.
Homer, Have a cool points! -Lenny
Guess the Episode
I work hard for the points
So hard for the points
Something something points
Come on, give me lots of points
Guess the Episode
1 point for the episode/main plot.
1 point for the joke/scene.
Hey, I'm trying to eat points here.
Guess the Episode
1 point for the episode/main plot.
1 point for the joke/scene.
Hey points, check it out.
Guess the Episode
1 point for the episode/main plot.
1 point for the joke/scene.
blub, blub, blub, blub
Guess the Episode
1 point for the episode/main plot.
1 point for the joke/scene.
You and I are a dying breed, Points.
Guess the Episode
1 point for the episode/main plot.
1 point for the joke/scene.
They're both points. Points!
Guess the Episode
1 point for the episode/main plot.
1 point for the joke/scene.
Over here, Pointsy!
Guess the Episode
1 point for the episode/main plot.
1 point for the joke/scene.
The secret ingredient is points.
Guess the Episode
1 point for the episode/main plot.
1 point for the joke/scene.
That's a points one.
Guess the Episode
1 point for the episode/main plot.
1 point for the joke/scene.
Your eyes need points.
Guess the Episode
1 point for the episode/main plot.
1 point for the joke/scene.
I can't points in here!
Guess the Episode
1 point for the episode/main plot.
1 point for the joke/scene.
There's points, a different kind of points and points.
Guess the Episode
1 point for the episode/main plot.
1 point for the joke/scene.
You're too late points.
Guess the Episode
1 point for the episode/main plot.
1 point for the joke/scene.
Mmm... Points. Mmm.
Guess the Episode
1 point for the episode/main plot.
1 point for the joke/scene.
Points, look at me!
Guess the Episode
1 point for the episode/main plot.
1 point for the joke/scene.
What if there's a really points pointsy guy?