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Dark Lord Cthulhu, dressed in spandex and lederhosen, plays his Eldritch accordion on the main stage at Despairfest, R’yleh’s annual festival of popular music and non-Euclidean geometry.

The prompt is the subject, the subject is the prompt.


Reclamation {P: A cyborg with dimly glowing eyes, dying in a lush forest while it rains. Digital art style (I think)).


A promotional image for a box of vanilla wafers in the style of a Dave McKean industrial music album cover

The subject is the prompt. I was really hoping for something a bit more grotesque, but it’ll do.

The second image - maybe if it had been one of those “half-man/half-rose bush” covers he did. The image generator can do it - I’ll post an example if anyone wants - but I prefer to not specify details of how things should look in the prompt.



School Lunch

Full prompt: David’s school lunch was ruined when the crystal spires and ancient temples of the Lost City of Atlantis arose from the depths of his bowl of soup.

That kid has one seriously long right arm.


Just Doin’ Some Shopping

Full prompt: The Dark Lord Zargroth, Tyrant Of The 14th Stellar Quadrant and scion of evil, stands clad in his night-black powered battle armor and bearing the Ebon Shopping Basket of Doom as he waits in line to be served at his local deli.

So, uh, how do you put multiple images in one post (Reddit refugee)?