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Awesome, is in the #FreeBSD package repository.

Awesome, @librewolf is in the #FreeBSD package repository.


In light of the new "AI WOW!" approach in the Firefox nightlies, I've installed #LibreWolf on my Linux machine at home, my Windows work laptop and corp VMs desktop.

In light of the new "AI WOW!" approach in the Firefox nightlies, I've installed #LibreWolf on my Linux machine at home, my Windows work laptop and corp VMs desktop.

Thankfully, they include a portable version so I can run it on the corporate machines. Though, the windows LibreWolf-Portable.exe had some issue on the VM about determining 32/64 bit, I just ran the LibreWolf/librewolf.exe directly.

I haven't messed with setting up corp proxy yet. That's tomorrow.



smdh @ more Firefox BS.

smdh @ more Firefox BS.

"Firefox was created in 2002 under the codename 'Phoenix' by members of the Mozilla community who desired a standalone browser rather than the Mozilla Application Suite bundle."

Remember those halcyon Phoenix days? I do.

They were all too short lived.

Now even Firefox forks such as @librewolf seem to be sitting on their thumbs, thinking maybe it's sufficient to merely option out offending lines of code.

Have decades of return to libc exploits meant nothing to developers?!

If you aren't going to branch to the code, don't leave it in the source! It is an attack surface laying dormant whether you realize it or not.

Is it more work? Sure.

Do the work!

LibreSSL didn't rip out tens of thousands of lines from OpenSSL without good reasons.

The dividends have been appreciable.


Hello @zenbrowser why I cant have the same protection using zen versus ?

Hello @zenbrowser why I cant have the same protection using zen versus @librewolf ?

I tested it with

and still it says that zen is partially blocking some trackers.

I checked the settings, many things looks the same but apparently not enough...

If you have any information on this it will be great.


WTF - you had only one job and you are failing in it.

WTF @librewolf - you had only one job and you are failing in it.

"No telemetry" -\> first thing Librewolf does is connect to Mozilla telemetry services.

Found out this by having @[email protected] installed.

\#librewolf #telemetry #cybersecurity


Блин очень большие надежды испытывал на переезд на но к сожалению, google meet и другие популярные штуки для онлайн конференций отказались нормально работать с камерой и микрофоном.

Блин очень большие надежды испытывал на переезд на @librewolf но к сожалению, google meet и другие популярные штуки для онлайн конференций отказались нормально работать с камерой и микрофоном.

А еще при попытке оплатить через СПБ, почему-то отказывается нормально выводить QR код. :-(

Пришлось откатить на @FirefoxNightly

Может кто есть из пользователей @librewolf дайте совет, как вы его настроили, что не всплывает таких косяков?


Is there a list of all the tweaks, changes between Firefox and LibreWolf ?

Hi everyone,

Is there somewhere a list of all the changes made compared to Firefox ?


Sorry if it's been already asked over here, but it seem that Lemmy do not provide a search within a Community 😮

no, actually we can, there isn't a shortcut to make such a search. and no ability to limit the search to the titles.. !

\Wubba Lubba dub-dub\


I have been using on my desktop for a long time and not a Chrome browser or those based on it. Now don't tell me you have nothing to hide and wonder why you've been cheated on before.

I have been using @librewolf on my desktop for a long time and not a Chrome browser or those based on it. Now don't tell me you have nothing to hide and wonder why you've been cheated on before.

«Google has to face a class action lawsuit over Chrome’s data collection: A lawsuit claiming Google’s Chrome sync collected user information without consent has been revived.»


\#google #chrome #datacollection #web #collection #data #privacy #internet #inet


Cannot login to

@librewolf Cannot login to

I'm using LibreWolf since a few days, and I love it ! But when I try to login to I get bloqued. I've added this domain to the exceptions, as well as When I login, I get a captcha, and after solving it, I a bloqued... Am I missing an option to allow this website to work ? Thanks !


Présentement en train de tester en remplacement de #firefox

Présentement en train de tester @librewolf en remplacement de #firefox les extensions "Simple tabs groups" et "Tab manager plus", non fonctionnelles, me manquent un peu, "Tabby" semble faire le job cependant


Hey crew! I just made the switch after decades of loyal #Firefox use. Lost my patience for the find-the-new-anti-features-and-disable-them-game.

Hey @librewolf crew! I just made the switch after decades of loyal #Firefox use. Lost my patience for the find-the-new-anti-features-and-disable-them-game.

Thanks for existing! I couldn't find anyplace to donate. Please tell me how you could take my money.

\#librewolf #forkfirefox #FreeSoftware #libresoftware


Why are ctrl+alt+<key> shortcuts blocked in librewolf (rfp)

I've written a web app that uses ctrl+alt+<key> shortcuts because they don't interfere with the many expected ctrl-<key> shortcuts. Librewolf blocks these shortcuts because of RFP, apparently. As a result I have to disable RFP for my site (or just be annoyed all the time), and I guess I'll have to advise my users to do the same.

I haven't found any doc that explicitly discusses the justification for disabling alt shortcuts. There is a bug about how ctrl-<key> was broken for a while. This page doesn't mention alt either, that I can find.

I can guess that it probably allows identifying some keyboards somehow. Just would like to read up on it so I can at least understand what the issues are with the alt key.


should have an importer for firefox, not only chrome and safari.

@librewolf should have an importer for firefox, not only chrome and safari.


Defense against AI-guided Traffic Analysis

Could LibreWolf implement this? []


ich würde ja benutzen, aber

ich würde ja @librewolf benutzen, aber


Lokjo - EU's Gmaps replacement (@Lokjo)

Lokjo - EU's Gmaps replacement (@Lokjo) Attached: 1 image

Firefox is just another US-corporate product with an 'open source' sticker on it.

Their version 128 update has auto checked a new little privacy breach setting.

If you still use a corporate browser, at least do some safety version! We mainly use @librewolf based on firefox. (yes, we know, a stable european or even non-U \--- 71 uses from 71 accounts #toplink


Firefox is just another US-corporate product with an 'open source' sticker on it.

Firefox is just another US-corporate product with an 'open source' sticker on it.

Their version 128 update has auto checked a new little privacy breach setting.

If you still use a corporate browser, at least do some safety version! We mainly use @librewolf based on firefox. (yes, we know, a stable european or even non-US browser is still considered 'futuristic' in europe)

\#eu #browser #firefox #meh


Va, anem a posar-li una pega al : no renderitza bé el terminal virtual de Digital Ocean.

Va, anem a posar-li una pega al @librewolf: no renderitza bé el terminal virtual de Digital Ocean.

A veure, ja sé que com a pega, és una mica meh, però és que si vaig dient que és guai així perquè sí, doncs tampoc mola, saps?


O eh o melhor browser atualmente, no quesito privacidade/produtividade, quem discordar tah panguando

O @librewolf eh o melhor browser atualmente, no quesito privacidade/produtividade, quem discordar tah panguando



Hello how is it possible to setup @keepassxc on macos with the browser addon? I cannot make it work. #Help would be greatly appreciated. #foss #privacy #keepassxc #librewolf #setup

Hello @librewolf how is it possible to setup @keepassxc on macos with the browser addon? I cannot make it work. #Help would be greatly appreciated. #foss #privacy #keepassxc #librewolf #setup

Awesome, is in the #FreeBSD package repository.
  • @6R1MR34P3R @librewolf well, firefox is available on OpenBSD. Requires a bit of tweaking to disable the privacy-busting features. Tor-browser is also in the package repo, that does the tweaking for you. I was going to try compiling @librewolf on OpenBSD, taking inspiration from the firefox port. We'll see if and when I have time for that :)

  • Awesome, is in the #FreeBSD package repository.
  • @gmc @librewolf yeah! wish an OpenBSD port were also still in development, but glad theres a FreeBSD one. For now im sticking to CLI only browsers on OpenBSD, i dont want to use Chromium

  • smdh @ more Firefox BS.
  • @ohfp yet, you replied.

    How am I supposed to respond?

    PRs would probably be ideal.

    I can't even get a working build environment locally for LibreWolf.

    They cross compile to macOS in the cloud and don't have build instructions for macOS, because they apparently don't use it.

    So the PRs would need to get started on a much more fundamental level.

    How many spoons do I have?

  • smdh @ more Firefox BS.
  • @velox_vulnus as an unpaid volunteer maintainer of libre/free open source software myself, I only wish that meant I never had to deal with complaints!

    I am not even sure how many hours (mine & others') were wasted adding a legacy_dsa variant to MacPorts' OpenSSH after the 9.8p1 release.

    Even though DSA is going to be deprecated entirely in 2025 & announcements warning against it are much older.

    Who the hell said anything about me feeling entitled?

    Obviously someone has to do the work.

    You seem to be off your rocker if you think that just because a project disclaims donations that absolves them of criticism.

    I've never encountered anything that didn't have room for improvement.

  • smdh @ more Firefox BS.
  • @ohfp @librewolf

    Sometimes, the best answer is

    • internal and
    • external

    peaceful mindful smiling silence.

    Thanks for all you passionately do and:

    :blobhug: :blobhug:

  • smdh @ more Firefox BS.
  • Why are you complaining about unpaid volunteers doing their best to create a privacy-focused fork? Read their FAQ first: Why don't you accept donations?.

    And also: no donations means no expectations. This means that people working on LibreWolf are free to move on to other projects whenever they want.

    You're not entitled to the features you demand. If you want it, then work on it.

  • DNS setting issue
  • Ouch, that's a nasty bug imho. Thanks to this wiki entry I've looked up the file librewolf.cfg in /var/lib/flatpak/ and changed :

    pref("network.trr.mode", 2);


    pref("network.trr.mode", 5);

    and that seems to fix it for now (till a newer LibreWolf maybe overrides that file).

  • Hello @zenbrowser why I cant have the same protection using zen versus ?
  • @Grangle1 @hyde

    If LibreWolf really wants to walk the walk and not just talk the privacy talk, it would behoove itself to stop using Homebrew, which opts-in users by default to telemetry.


  • Hello @zenbrowser why I cant have the same protection using zen versus ?
  • ArkenFox is a user.js config for Firefox or any of it's forks. LibreWolf is basically that in a nutshell, but with it's extras, like brand and logo, better configs and some nice in-built features.

  • Hello @zenbrowser why I cant have the same protection using zen versus ?
  • @fin It says on their web page "Privacy focused" but I don't get the same privacy features than #librewolf

  • WTF - you had only one job and you are failing in it.
  • @N0x0n when did it change?


    "Opting out

    Homebrew analytics helps us maintainers and leaving it on is appreciated. However, if you want to opt out of Homebrew’s analytics, you can set this variable in your environment:


    Alternatively, this will prevent analytics from ever being sent:

    brew analytics off"

    From the URL you provided, seems the same as it has always been, opt-in by default.

  • WTF - you had only one job and you are failing in it.
  • Homebrew enables Google Analytics by default. Sending telemetry without even warning users to opt out, was a bad look, even before Google was convicted as a monopoly.

    That's not true anymore. All previously saved Google analytics have been deleted and when you install hombrew for the first time you get an info box about how to opt-out.


  • WTF - you had only one job and you are failing in it.
  • @OH3CUF @librewolf @mullvadnet Just to clarify, that's just opening the browser without any tabs or 'home page'?

  • WTF - you had only one job and you are failing in it.
  • @JP3REM @librewolf @JP3REM @librewolf Very badly. I killed the app after 9 requests by just opening the app (and nothing else) and it kept going on. Probably the connections to IP-addresses are Tor-nodes but who knows what they are? (can only attach 4 images in one toot).

    Same thing here; telemetry for Mozilla and for many plugin developers (I couldn't attach here but at least three call-homes for the plugins based on the server name).


  • WTF - you had only one job and you are failing in it.
  • @OH3CUF @librewolf I wonder how Mullvad Browser would fare in the same circumstance