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Some autistic people find making phone calls extremely stressful and unpleasant and will avoid them at all costs.

Some autistic people find making phone calls extremely stressful and unpleasant and will avoid them at all costs.

Please don’t try and force your communication preferences on others.

image: anon \#ActuallyAutistic #AuDHD @actuallyautistic



@actuallyautistic #politics

“[Ford said] ".. On its world, the people are people. The leaders are lizards. The people hate the lizards and the lizards rule the people." "Odd," said Arthur. "I thought you said it was a democracy." "I did," said Ford. "It is." "So," said Arthur, hoping he wasn't sounding ridiculously obtuse, "why don't the people get rid of the lizards?"


Some autistic people experience meltdowns or shutdowns.

Some autistic people experience meltdowns or shutdowns.

When I get overstimulated I tend to shutdown.

If you experience either of these, or both, which is more prevalent for you?

\#AskingAutistics #ActuallyAutistic @actuallyautistic

image: @introvertdoodles info: Kate Gaster


Watching the same show over-and-over again is one way I regulate the autistic side of my brain. But the ADHD side sure gets bored sometimes.

Watching the same show over-and-over again is one way I regulate the autistic side of my brain. But the ADHD side sure gets bored sometimes.

Do you watch any shows on repeat?

\#AskingAutistics #AskADHD #ActuallyAutistic @actuallyautistic

image: @NoNonsenseND


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When minority groups are facing a decline in their well-being due to real problems that affect their group, no amount of positive thinking will make that go away.

When minority groups are facing a decline in their well-being due to real problems that affect their group, no amount of positive thinking will make that go away.

It is completely unreasonable to ask people to think positively about their lack of privilege in a situation.

\#ActuallyAutistic #autism #Autistic #MinorityStress #neurodiversity #neurodivergent

@actuallyautistic @autisticadvocacy @audhd


Tis the season when communal meals stop being texturally sound for me. Chief offenders being stuffing, mashed potatoes, and creative liberties taking with jello…

Tis the season when communal meals stop being texturally sound for me. Chief offenders being stuffing, mashed potatoes, and creative liberties taking with jello… \#autistic #actuallyautistic #autist #audhd #food @actuallyautistic @audhd


RIP Donald Triplett (1933–2023), who at the age of 5 became the first person to be given the newly-conceived diagnosis of autism. In the writings of Dr. Leo Kanner, the child psychiatrist who came up

RIP Donald Triplett (1933–2023), who at the age of 5 became the first person to be given the newly-conceived diagnosis of autism. In the writings of Dr. Leo Kanner, the child psychiatrist who came up with the diagnosis, Mr. Triplett is referred to as "Case 1."

Image description courtesy of Vero Algoz:

The photo shows a photo of a bald, white, male looking person, not really looking into the camera.the person wears a white shirt and suspenders, and the background seems like an autumn landscape of trees without leaves.

\#autism #autistic #neurospicy #neurodiversity



( ( ( Sometimes a listener will respond to my disclosure of

@actuallyautistic @audhd @Adhdinos Sometimes a listener will respond to my disclosure of #AuDHD with hostility because we share traits. This is not about me and does not reflect on me—it’s about them being confronted with something about themselves and their negative beliefs about #neurodivergence. #ADHD #autism #autistic #actuallyautistic