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Oh wow, the first flower on one of the chillie plants. I can hardly believe it. Exciting times :)

Oh wow, the first flower on one of the chillie plants. I can hardly believe it. Exciting times :)

What do I do now? Suggestions and experiences with pollination methods for indoor chilli plants are more than welcome.

\#IndoorGardening #Plants #Gardening #ufochilli #habeneros #growing #chilli #chili #chillies #chilipeppers #chilisaison #Plantjournal \#Plantdiary

@plants @[email protected] @homegrownfood @[email protected]


Look, look, the first flower buds on one of my chilli plants. I am so excited :)


If you grow any citrus at all, grow this one.

If you grow any citrus at all, grow this one.

Citrus obovata, Fukushu kumquat

Cold hardy to 28F/-2C, can be grown in a pot. Fruits 4-5 yrs from seed.

It’s the fruit that makes it so special. The peel is very sweet and chewy and the fruit inside balances it with a nice tartness. And bc you eat fruit+peel, it’s very nutritious.

I sell seedlings for $15 plus shipping available in early spring. Open to reservations now.

\#gardening #organic #fruit #permaculture #trees @plants


Carnauba wax, per wikipedia

Carnauba wax, per wikipedia

\- comes from the carnauba palm \- Carnauba palm comes from NE brazil \- melting point higher than beeswax. very hard \- beat, refine, bleach (yum) carnauba palm leaves \- used in shoe polish (yum) and candy. and more. \-produced under poor-to-slavery working conditions \- here is an org (industry-based by the looks of it) working on better working conditions for carnauba wax workers:\_prunifera\_wax @plants #plants


Monarch caterpillar on swamp milkweed.

Monarch caterpillar on swamp milkweed. @plants #nativeplants #NativePlant #plants#Photography.


UPDATE: Solanum abutiloides

UPDATE: Solanum abutiloides

Winter didn’t kill this perennial even though it dipped below freezing. The fruits grown from seed are highly variable and mine taste like sugary battery acid.

Well, it’s fruiting this summer and I was letting the birds have it (even they rejected it). The berries ripened until they fell off the plant. I tried the fallen berries and there is almost no caustic taste. Yay?

\#gardening #jardin #plants #plantas #permaculture #GrowYourOwn #organic @plants


One of my cardinal flowers is in full display! NE-Ohio

One of my cardinal flowers is in full display! NE-Ohio @plants #nativeplants #NativePlant #plants#Photography.


( tuberosa


Tradescantia virginiana, spiderwort

Tradescantia virginiana, spiderwort

Every part of this plant is edible if the bunnies don’t beat you to it. 🐰

\#gardening #jardin #bloomscrolling #florespondence #GrowYourOwn #NativePlants #plantas #plants #rewilding #foraging #organic @plants


First beans harvested. Aren’t they so pretty? 😊

First beans harvested. Aren’t they so pretty? 😊

They were intercropped with Solanum corymbiflora (seen in the background) and that kept the bunnies away. This Solanum “hardy tamarillo” is supposedly cold hardy to 15F/-9C and lives for 12 years.

\#gardening #GrowYourOwn #organic #perennials #jardin #plantas #plants #vegetablegardening #permaculture @plants




if i stick these pieces of christmas cactus into cactus potting soil (brown paper bark end down), do you think they'll grow new roots?

\#plants #IndoorPlants #gardening


In search of new instance! (

In search of new instance! #boostOK

Does anyone know of any #gardening #plants #florespondence #bloomscrolling #sustainability #instances that are accepting new folks?

I am on, but the instance has been down for almost a full day now without any notice or status update. While I hope it'll come back, might be good to have a plan b.

\#isoInstance @plants


the redcurrants are ripe! i hear they're edible but i've never tried one before. now might be the time 🍒

the redcurrants are ripe! i hear they're edible but i've never tried one before. now might be the time 🍒

\#plants @plants #gardening


( i noticed these interesting shoreline plants growing on the sides of the des plaines river in wheeling, il. the river is having a v

\#ForestForensics: i noticed these interesting shoreline plants growing on the sides of the des plaines river in wheeling, il. the river is having a very dry summer but these guys seem to be doing ok. anyone know what they are?

\#plants #ecology #PlantID @plants #nature #environment #midwest


First maypop flower of the season. 🥳🎉

First maypop flower of the season. 🥳🎉

Passiflora incarnata

\#bloomscrolling #florespondence #nativeplants #plants #gardening #organic #growyourown #foodsecurity @plants


My balcony is coming along very nicely. Tomatoes are doing really great, carrots are doing good and my wildflowers are starting to bloom. ( (https://

My balcony is coming along very nicely. Tomatoes are doing really great, carrots are doing good and my wildflowers are starting to bloom. #Plants #Pflanzen #BalconyGarden #Gardening #GardenersOfMastodon @plants


My cacti and succulents that I ordered arrived today. First row left to right: Cotyledon tomentosa ( so soft and fluffy) , Cotyledon tomentosa variegata, Mamillaria plumosa, Second row left to right:

My cacti and succulents that I ordered arrived today. First row left to right: Cotyledon tomentosa ( so soft and fluffy) , Cotyledon tomentosa variegata, Mamillaria plumosa, Second row left to right: Euphorbia horrida, Polaskia chichipe, Eulychnia castanea ‘Spiralis‘, Third row left to right: Haworthia limifolia ‘Twister‘, Opuntia spinosior, Rhipsalis baccifera \#plants #pflanzen #cacti #kakteen @plants


( ( ( ( . Bee balm first bloo

@plants #Plants #Nature #photography . Bee balm first bloom.


Ordered some Orius bugs in order to fight the sudden infestation of trips...

Ordered some Orius bugs in order to fight the sudden infestation of trips...

What is your experience with them?




Jasminum officinale blooming near Paris, France. ( ( (

Jasminum officinale blooming near Paris, France. #plants #jasmine #plantes #jasmin

@plants @gardening

Oh wow, the first flower on one of the chillie plants. I can hardly believe it. Exciting times :)
  • @RonjaBiernat @plants @[email protected] @homegrownfood @[email protected]

    1: Grab a cotton bud/q-tip/small, soft paintbrush
    2: Brush the pollen around onto the inside of the petals. Just a twirling motion inside the flowers will do. Think like a bee as you do it.

  • If you grow any citrus at all, grow this one.
  • @plants Citrus obovata, Fukushu/Changsou kumquat

    What the insides of the fruit look like.

    The peel comes away from the fruit easily and the fruit is sectional/easy to pull apart like a mandarin. The taste of the fruit is like a tart orange but the pith has sugar in it so it’s not completely sour. The peel is very sweet. Sometimes the fruit is seedless, but no more than 2 seeds per fruit.

    #gardening #jardin #fruit #frutas #organic #permaculture #trees #arbol #GrowYourOwn

  • UPDATE: Solanum abutiloides
  • @jblue @plants They normally grow in areas that get around 15 inches of rain a year. I don't know how they would do with so much moisture.

  • UPDATE: Solanum abutiloides
  • @IPXFong @plants I get almost 50 inches of rainfall a year (120cm), is that too much for this plant?

  • UPDATE: Solanum abutiloides
  • @jblue @plants
    Yeah, a lot like twizzlers. (At least in my mind 😁)

    If you're going to plant a juniper, you might as well go with an alligator. They're the only kind with edible fruit. But, they are full size trees so it'll be a while before you get a harvest. They're great trees though. Drought, cold and heat tolerant and they make great shade.

  • UPDATE: Solanum abutiloides
  • @IPXFong @plants red licorice, like twizzlers? Is it nice enough to make it worth it to grow?

  • UPDATE: Solanum abutiloides
  • @jblue @plants interesting! Sounds like the berries of the alligator juniper. If you pick them from the tree it's like having a slug of paint thinner. If you eat them off the ground, they taste like red licorice.

  • the redcurrants are ripe! i hear they're edible but i've never tried one before. now might be the time 🍒
  • @catzilla @ignova @plants they work well in combination with strawberries in jam, too. And very sweet crumble

  • the redcurrants are ripe! i hear they're edible but i've never tried one before. now might be the time 🍒
  • @ignova @plants I never ate redcurrants before but I’ve had redcurrant jam and it was delicious! Maybe you can try that?

  • Ordered some Orius bugs in order to fight the sudden infestation of trips...
  • @qkslvrwolf It's always fascinating when people who doesn't live here nor have experience with our climate wants to tell you on what works here or not. @plants

  • Ordered some Orius bugs in order to fight the sudden infestation of trips...
  • @qkslvrwolf Not a problem here, the Swedish winter would kill any foreign bug that isn't native to our climate. @selea @plants

  • Ordered some Orius bugs in order to fight the sudden infestation of trips...
  • @selea @plants

    Oh neat. People trying to use asian insects to control other things has been...pretty bad here in the states.

    Can't help, but good luck!

  • Ordered some Orius bugs in order to fight the sudden infestation of trips...
  • @qkslvrwolf

    I think so, according to the company I bought them from they should be native to northen europe atleast.


  • Ordered some Orius bugs in order to fight the sudden infestation of trips...
  • @selea @plants Are they native to your area? Is the species you ordered native to your area?