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Poezje ether

On Linux text editors and parsers...

i tried to grep all things did i sed enough did i sed tomuch nano nano morse code org i signalled a hup and dropped the buffer now my holds my latest curse..

Poezje ether

minority - herauthon

Why the word "Minority" Exist..

And What does Minority Mean..

Is it a meanority

---- -- herauthon

Poezje ether

Reality, mediated by the voice of power... - hvale vale

Reality, mediated by the voice of power misses the human glue of solidarity

I am living, fearing, resisting and many other verbs

cause I am a link in a chain where love matters bodies feel money are far than endless

---- -- hvale vale

Poezje ether

a base of human beings - hvale vale

I do belong where you, unknown human being I do belong with your skin and your tounge and your cold

Sitting in a house of concrete with a door, a lock and a mailbox is a temporary privilege earned/unearned but mostly temporary

The who I am is a desired we, a base of human beings

Is about the chairs we sit on or share Is about the books we read and write Is about a journey beyond institutions Is about re-imagining and intentionally dreaming Is about non linear geography and standing

The who I am is a desired we, a base of human beings

----- -- hvale vale