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In major shift, survey finds Israelis prefer Biden to Trump as next US president

Poll finds Jewish public opinion has sharply swung in incumbent’s direction following support for Israel in wake of Oct. 7, after overwhelming 2020 support for Republican rival

  • @Fitik

    Why would anyone in a democratic nation care what the opinion poll in a theocracy thinks?

    Did they poll Iran or Saudi Arabia?

    • Who is the democratic nation and who is the theocracy in this scenario?
      Just asking for anyone who might be uncertain... 👀

    • @rticks Israel is a democracy and you can care about any polls you want. There is a fringe idea of so called "Halachic state", the idea of Israeli laws being based on Talmud, however it's very unpopular among the Israel's population.

      • @Fitik

        Israeli Basic Law requires Jewish Citizenship
        Only Orthydox Rabbis can perform marriages

        The Abomination Netenyahu parliament removed Judicial Review from laws

        Thats not a democracy and if Biden doesnt enforce the court verdict prosecuting Trump neither will the Us be
