At what point do you list your hair color as "gray" or "white?"
I just filled out a passport renewal form and listed "brown" as my hair color. But if I'm honest, I'm at an age where there's more gray hair than brown hair.
There's still enough brown that it's obviously my original color, so I don't think I lied on the form, but it got me wondering: what's the cutoff?
I was renewing mine at age 50 and the lady at the DMV said, "don't you think we should change your license to say grey hair?". That was the day for me.
I've been bleaching and dying my hair different colours for the last few years (because I didn't go to the office for two years and then no one cared). I recently got a new passport and had blue hair for the photo. Fortunately the main photo is black and white as my hair is purple now, and will likely be a different colour by the end of the year.
I have to get a new license next year, My hair is a mix of brown and white, but my beard is fully white. So yeah, that's a good question, not sure what to put there.