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  • Oh....yeah, this is a bit of an older one, but def a golden one!

    Something about the progression from light to intense, and the timer/countdown thing that goes on is just...very nice.

    • When I was looking for something to post and going through Caroo's old stuff, I was reminded how much I love all those older pieces. My favorite sequence featuring Alex starts at My memory said it was by Caroo, but actually it was by (at the time naughtycat) nick.

      • Oh wow...thanks for sharing! That is indeed a pretty good sequence, and i've seen a FEW other art pieces from that creator before!

        Oh, also thanks for the 'older pieces' quip...I saw a subgroup here on yiffit called 'ancient yiff', and realized I have...some pretty old stuff saved up from way back in the day. Some of it was before FA was even a thing, IIRC! I'm gonna have to shoot a DM to this subthread mod, and see if i'm allowed to post things like old comics if it's not possible to really give credit...