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Earth past its safe limits for humans, scientists say

  • There have been so many of these stories I'm just numb to the whole idea now

    • Honestly… usually I just tune out these climate stories because they are nothing but the same shitty news over and over and over and over and over again, and (almost) nobody doing anything about the situation.

      Yes, I get it: the earth keeps getting shittier. What do you want me to do about it, hang a bunch of fossil fuel executives and bulldoze their factories?

  • I'm just waiting for the first "wet bulb" event.

    I'm not sure what else it'll take for people to take climate change seriously, but by then it'll probably be too late...

  • The current crisis definitely puts human civilization at risk. Agricultural societies came into existence at roughly the current average temperature and were stable for thousands of years. Now, runaway capitalist industrialization is making a mess out of the climate and causing a mass extinction. I am confident humanity can survive, but will agricultural civilization? Last time the climate wasn't stable, we relied on hunting and gathering for food.

    Personally, I think there is hope even if large-scale agriculture becomes unfeasible. Proteins, starches, etc. can be grown in bioreactors. There are also non-bioreactor solutions such as mycoproteins and indoor farms. The productivity of these methods are higher than traditional agriculture and don't rely on a stable climate. However, they will all rely on maintained supply chains and electricity production that is resilient to heat waves, droughts, floods, etc. as well as having a high enough energy return on investment.

    Even my hopium has me worried. 😰