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AITA for being jealous of my cousin and not attending his graduation

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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Embarrassed-Jello353 on 2023-06-27 14:15:20+00:00.

I (20f) graduated highschool in 2021. Things were still just starting to open back up for the world. My class had no graduation, no prom, no anything to congratulate us on graduating except a FB post that just said congratulations on my schools page. The only thing we did was a Saturday lunch that us students put together at our local state park.

My cousin graduated just a week or so ago and I couldn't bring myself to go to his graduation. He had prom, he had an actual graduation, he even had a sign that said congratulations made by the school, just like everyone else in his class. I knew I would have just brought the mood down so I did not attend, and I am not planning to attend his party either.

My aunt had asked me why I wasn't present at his graduation and rsvp'd no to his party. I told her that I was jealous and couldn't bring myself to go to these things because I was upset that I didn't get them. She called me spolied and that I had to realize that it is a different year and that I should be happy for him. I guess she told my cousin and a few others because I have been receiving text messages that there is absolutely no reason I should have said ehat I did and that being jealous is hideous of me.

I am happy for him, and I am glad he graduated, but it hurts me that my senior year was a bust and he got to do things that I couldn't. Or at least I'm more upset that the school did more for them than they did for my class.


Edit: I have wished my cousin a happy graduation and have told him that I will bring him to lunch when pur schedules align. But I never said I was mad about my cousin getting a party and getting to do that stuff