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AITA for “crashing” marg Monday

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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/TomHuckleberry on 2023-06-27 13:07:23+00:00.

My coworkers usually do margarita Monday every Monday. The same person usually posts in our group chat letting us know it’s still going on.

Last night, that person didn’t post in the group chat so I figured no one was interested that night. My partner and I decided to go anyways since Margs are super cheap and we didn’t have any dinner plans.

After my partner and I got our drinks and ordered food, three of my coworkers walked in and sat with us. Through conversation they told me that a former co worker of ours invited them out for marg Monday for a smaller thing as they are moving soon. One of my coworkers decided to post on the group chat letting other people know that people where there and to come on out.

Now I don’t know why, but the former co worker hates me. We used to get a long great and something suddenly changed to her hating me, always trying to get me in trouble and basically bullying me. The former coworker isn’t exactly emotionally stable and acts very childish. Anyways, she came like thirty minutes later and when she saw me she freaked. She yelled, “what the fuck is he doing here?” When one of my coworkers tried to explain what happened by former co worker wouldn’t hear it and stormed out.

Former coworker later sent me a voice note saying how much of shitty person I am for crashing her going away drinks and that I always ruin everything for her. She is now trying to spin this into me purposely showing up at the restaurant and purposely trying to ruin her evening. I should note that my coworkers came and sat by my partner and me. We would have been totally fine sitting by ourselves.