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AITA for letting my kid play a 17+ game with me?

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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/77_mec on 2023-06-27 04:57:28+00:00.

Let me explain.

I (m32) recently got Detroit: become human for my PS5 and my son (m12) wanted to play with me because it had robots in it. We had fun until my wife (f31) told us to stop playing and that it teaches kids to curse and that racial discrimination, child abuse and murder is ok.

I tried explaining that the entire point of Markus's storyline is that it isn't and she got pissed and starting saying how she gets to parent too and that he was her son too, so I turned off the game, told my kid to go play in his room and told her that if she didn't like it, she could leave the room and let us have our fun in peace. She told me I was undermining her and that I was being an asshole, then made me promise I wouldn't play it with him again.

So AITA? I don't think I am but it'd be nice to see other people's opinion on it.

Edit: so I agree that I should've asked and made sure it was ok, but I did not think it was a big deal as she watches GOT whenever she wants regardless if he's there or not. I don't complain because he knows that it's bad. I explained it to him and he understood.

Also, I was not trying to be a "cool dad", I was just trying to explain that the game didn't promote those themes. And my son was in his room when we were arguing. So I wasn't undermining her in front of him.