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Does reaction to the National Rejoin March demonstrate its success? - [Opinion] Does reaction to the National Rejoin March demonstrate its success?

Mass media in the UK failed to report on the thousands that marched to rejoin, yet it was headline news elsewhere in the world – is this proof of the rejoin movements’ success?

It seems odd that a democratic protest in the UK against the direction the country is taking, which is of great interest around the world, should not be considered worthy of a mention on UK TV news bulletins.

With no Brexit Benefits apparent and with changing demographics playing a natural part, the move back to the EU seems inexorable. “It’s going to happen anyway, so why delay?” as Professor A C Grayling said in his speech at the march.

  • Is it?

    I voted remain and whilst I think most would agree it's not going great I'm not sure there's that much interest in rejoining right now.

    There's a big difference between thinking it's going poorly and actively wanting to bring Brexit back in a similar sort of way to how it was between 2016 and 2020.

    Not to mention that the idea that we rejoin the EU and suddenly everything goes back to being good again (because 2010 - 2015 was a lark for all of us right) seems utterly farcical to most.

    We ain't rejoining. We should probably be thinking about repairing old bonds and moving closer to the wider EU community, but I don't even see anyone making it a part of their manifesto that we think about rejoining, heck even the Lib Dems seemed to have accepted that's not on the table right now.

  • Claims it was headline news around the world, but shares no links of headlines around the world

    The only things I saw online were people reusing photos from 2016 and claiming it to be from 2023, and some cringey dance routine

  • It seems odd that a democratic protest in the UK against the direction the country is taking, which is of great interest around the world, should not be considered worthy of a mention on UK TV news bulletins.

    Not really. It is hardly like this iols the first time. Or a notably large protest. We remainers have been trybg to change mimds since the referendum. It has done luttle to change minds. People may feel let down. But most who actually supported brexit. Just think we did it wrong.

    Simple answer is there is ko wasy way to cancel rhis now. It means rejoining. And unfortunatly that will not happen with much much more support. No 50 % devide is goibg to work Because the EU will need much more then that to trust us.

    News ouraide the UK is always looking for interest. In the UK most know we cannot simply rejoin. So such news just isnt news here.

    Most are just fed up with the while thing. British media has nothing to sell via such news. Why would they bother publishing more worthless crap.