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WIBTA for not inviting my parents or siblings to my wedding after what they said.

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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Sad_Subject2779 on 2023-06-27 07:53:12+00:00.

My (25F) fiancé (28M) and I are planning our dream wedding but want to keep it small. From the get go, my fiancé and I both said that we do not want any children at our wedding due to a number of reasons.

  1. We want to get married in the bush somewhere where wild animals roam freely, and the age limit is 16 and up. (This is non-negotiable because small children are at risk -Venue requirements)
  2. We both know from personal experiences that one person always ends up looking after the children and do not enjoy the wedding.
  3. We want to have just adults at the wedding so that we can celebrate the day properly.

My parent and siblings explicitly stated that my nieces and nephews will be REQUIRED to go to the wedding and I have no choice in this matter. My dad even went as far to say that if my nephew will not be allowed to go, he will then also not go. This broke my heart as I am the only girl in the family and now he doesn't want to even attend. My brothers said "I do not care what she wants, my children WILL be there". Take into consideration that all my nieces and nephews are under the age of 7.

My fiancé's family has been supper supportive and respects our wishes of not having any children at the wedding. They even made arrangements up until this point to have the little ones taken care of.

Now I am honestly considering not inviting my parents anymore because they are forcing me to do something that is not part of our wishes.

I love them al dearly, but I feel they don't want to make the sacrifice for me and my fiancé's big day. As I ultimately mean, it us getting married and not them.

So WIBTA for telling them that I will not be inviting them as they want to rather spend the day with their grandchildren than celebrate the day with me?

Edit 1: Forgot to add. My fiancé and I are paying for our whole wedding. Neither the in-laws nor my family us contributing a cent because it's always a one sided competition with my mom of "They gave this much and we can only give this and now we look bad" or stuff like that so we are avoiding this situatiom completely