Chief O'Brien would not receive another invite to the poker table.
Chief O'Brien would not receive another invite to the poker table.

Not for the nudity, mind you. He was just too damned good.
I recall an episode where they showed a video stream from Geordie's visor. There's no way he could discern playing cards.
8 0 ReplyIt was also explained in that episode that he can selectively look at different parts of the spectrum.
The dialog says something like "picking out a conversation in a crowded room."
9 1 ReplyPfft, Geordi is the least of Worf's problems at that table. Data is literally a walking computer, Troi can read minds, and Riker is evidently the greatest poker player who ever lived.
8 0 ReplyThere was also an episode where he explained he could see through the cards to discern their values.
He doesn't look until after the hand ends... or so he says.
6 0 ReplyOh, you sweet summer child.
5 0 Reply
Everyone thought Bashir was the one holding back at darts, when it was actually O'Brien
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