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Electric bikes are the most climate-friendly way to travel - Triangle Blog Blog Electric bikes are the most climate-friendly way to travel - Triangle Blog Blog

A group civics blog covering town council, education, transportation, and recreation in Chapel Hill and Carrboro, NC.

Electric bikes are the most climate-friendly way to travel - Triangle Blog Blog

After traveling 4,500 miles, I have spent less than $5 on electricity. Five dollars! That’s less than a cost of a mocha latte something at Starbucks. That is astounding. That’s less than the cost of two gallons of gas. It means that on days I bike the 10 miles to and from work, I’m spending less than one cent on electricity to get there. And about half the time, I’m carting a bike cargo trailer behind me (often full of groceries) which means it’s a heavier load for the bike to carry.

  • Są spoko, ale koszt ekologiczny wyprodukowania i utylizacji baterii jest spory. Jeśli ma aluminiową ramę, to taki koszt jest chyba 15 razy większy niż w przypadku ramy stalowej. Najbardziej przyjazne dla środowiska są oczywiście zwykłe rowery, ze stalową ramą.