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Are you concerned about Stamkos leaving TBL?

I can't imagine a scenario where Stammers is wearing a different sweater. I hope they give him what he's asking for to keep him on the team his entire career.

  • Imma be honest, I held a strong mentality that eshouldnt be the captain pre2019. Thought he was a hell of a player, and it had nothing to do with his injuries, but when he was out on the ice I just never saw Captain material. There were other players standing up for people and I just didn't see it.

    Then in 2019, during a game then announced somebody was going to be doing the intermission interview; I forget who. But last minute Stammer I guess decides he's going to do the interview so they change it up. And when he got on all my thoughts changed on him. He got on and publicly called our Cooper for changing the lines so often. Went on to say how the line changing is so inconsistent that the line chemistry isn't there and he barely even feels like a team anymore.

    It wasn't so much him being a bad captain, is was coop setting up bad situations for him. But from that moment on the lines stayed relatively consistent. He also started really showing his Captian material on ice from then

    Then the whole Toronto fiasco happened and I only loved him more Then coming to play in the finals while hurt Then a whole bunch more that solidified him as OUR Captain

    So I genuinely would feel hurt if he left at thus point. Him and Hedman should forever be Bolts (I mean there's several more I would also like to keep forever but mainly these 2). Especially after the whole St. Louis situation, I think we need a captain and his best mate to stick here till retirement just to solidify us a a hockey town.

    Concerned though? Nah. They both have Lightning running through thier blood

    Edit: just a a fun fact, this is only the second team Heddy has ever played hockey for in his whole life. Sans the Olympic team that is.