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2 of 3 Lego Botanical Collection

I have 2 out of 3 of the Lego Botanical Collection.
The first model I got was the Bonsai Tree and was a present for my birthday. It's very versatile when it comes to the different looks it can have, the style I have; green leaves and blooming flowers, is one that I made up because I thought it looked nice compared to the other two generic styles. ( All White with blooms or All Green and no blooms.)
The two glass vase plants flanking to each side of the Bonsai I got when i finished my GCSEs last year. It's called the Flower Bouquet and comes with another 6 single stem plants, but I don't have anywhere to put the rest so I've only got these on display for now. I chose these plants because they look appealing, I used the rule of 3, and the colors to decide which ones. (And the ones that weren't top heavy.)
The final one I want to get is the Orchid plant so I can finally fore-fill the rule of three with the plants themselves and finish the whole collection.
While looking online apparently I have the whole 2nd collection and the Orchid is not apart of this collection, but i'm still gonna get it to complete the rule of three.
(No i haven't read half the books on the book shelf it was just a good background for this post.)