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TWAB: Legendary shards get sharded, a guns-focused Crucible mode, Crota contest mode stats

  • It's about time to get rid of them. I didn't see any good use for them besides being annoying to gather.

    • For those of us that have amassed tens of thousands of them since the beginning of D2 they are basically an easy way to replenish glimmer at Rahool which translates to many other things.

      I'm glad they're disposing of essentially useless currencies, but making everything cost glimmer, not increasing the glimmer cap, AND taking away easy sources of glimmer is only going to make glimmer the most annoying currency to get.

      Personally, I'm CONSTANTLY running out of glimmer from focusing the shit ton of engrams that drop from activities and buying transmog bounties.

      I have a clanmate who doesn't play regularly and he told us right after this article dropped that Legendary Shards aren't even what he struggles with. It's Cores, Prisms, Ascendant Shards, and Alloys so to him this does nothing in "leveling the playing field".

      To me this just looks like Bungie saying "grind more".


      So they put out this tweet:

      (fuck elon share this info elsewhere)

    • I was actually surprised reading the update at all the things that cost shards, because I've had so many for so long they just don't even register heh

  • I've been thinking about how to spend my legendary shards to get something out of them before they disappear.

    I'm thinking top priority should be buying enhancement cores, since those are uncapped:

    • 150 shards for 5x Enhancement Cores daily

    Next is buying the more expensive enhancement materials; although they're capped, you can always just go upgrade some stuff to stay below the cap:

    • 400 shards for 1x Ascendant Alloy weekly
    • 1200 shards for 3x Enhancement Prisms weekly

    If you log on every day, that's 2650 shards per week.

    Then there are some uncapped resources that can be purchased without limits to burn any remaining shards:

    • 10 shards for 1x Phantasmal Fragment (at least these can be converted back to glimmer!)
    • 3 shards for 1x Raid Banner

    It sounds like we'll still need shards in season 23, so I shouldn't spend them all before then, so hopefully these exchanges will still be available in season 23.

  • Happy to see legendary shards go but I will miss the 50k I’ve saved up. Also, I am very happy to see the Oversoul Essence changes so quickly