An aggrieved billionaire this week lamented that workers had grown lazy and "arrogant" during the coronavirus pandemic and that many of them needed to be made unemployed for the situation to improve.The Australian Financial Review reports that Tim Gurner, the founder and CEO of the Gurner Group, exp...
I mean, I have talked with a number of people who know that there are people they work with that are little more than "warm bodies" and get by doing as little as possible while dumping everything they can on someone else. They stay employed because "at least they do something" and there is no one else to do it. Before I get a "low pay" response, these are working professionals and paid accordingly.
It is also a well know economics trend (Phillips curve) that states as unemployed falls, inflation rises. Most countries are underemployed, and it is driving inflation.
Unless he is saying all workers are arrogant and entitled, in which case fuck him.
I would argue that "these working professionals" are not paid accordingly. If you're expecting more of them, pay more. Top talent tends to go where the money is.
If you're wondering where the money should come from, see: out of touch billionaires.
I don't want to go into too much detail, but 1.5 times the countries median wage - not minimum, not living, 1.5 times the countries average income - should be enough to get people to be able to answer a phone and respond to basic emails in a timely matter (like, 24 hours) when people's lives and financial security are on the line.
This isn't a top-talent argument - its acting with a basic sense of actually doing work while you are being paid.
Based on the other person im "talking" with maybe management should be paid more to attract the right managers, and maybe management isn't paid enough to do more than the bare basics.
I mean, what's the difference? Both are people paid to do a job, yet change the job title and all of a sudden someone not doing a job shouldn't be paid so much.
Are there shit managers - absolutely. But don't act like employees not doing that they are paid to is acceptable either.
LMFAO, found the guy. Are you literally arguing that we need to fire more people and pay management more? Go the fuck back to whatever Forbes article you were writing.
Im literally responded to the other person's arguement - to quote
"Pay them more. Top talent tends to go where the money is."
You're saying management is bad - therefore based on the same arguement they should be paid more to attract the right people.
Im not advocating for anything, just pointing out the hypocrisy in the arguement that employees should be paid more to do a basic job, yet management are also employees.