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Least Clownish πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦-Flag User defending pedo-Lama

  • So if Chinese are behind the pre-PRC tibetan customs why is even the entire Tibet fuss about?

    It's even funnier when you remember that the title and office of Dalai Lama has originated from Mongols. And "Dalai" in tibetan means roughly the same thing as "Genghis" in mongolian.

  • Yeah, so kissing is custom in Portuguese culture, both on the cheek and on the lips (usually only reserved for close family and friends) but not sucking someone tongue, especially if that someone is a goddamn child! Also if someone is resistant to kisses, cultural or not, it’s incredibly inappropriate to force them to. Even with the first lip peck you can see the child is trying to pull away.

    Also, it’s funny how when Putin was seen kissing children (I’m not Russian or Eastern European but I’m assuming kissing is also cultural like in Portugal?) people were accusing him of being a pedophile, but when the Dalai Lama tells a boy to suck his tongue it’s suddenly a-ok and cultural.