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How to watch Wheel of Time season 2 online: Release date and time How to watch Wheel of Time season 2 online: Release date and time

Prime Video's other sweeping fantasy epic returns with more good vs. evil action

How to watch Wheel of Time season 2 online: Release date and time

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Release schedule:

Friday, September 1: Episodes 1-3 "A Taste of Solitude," "Strangers and Friends," and "What Might Be"
Friday, September 8: Episode 4 "Daughters of the Night"
Friday, September 15: Episode 5
Friday, September 22: Episode 6
Friday, September 29: Episode 7
Friday, October 6: Episode 8

  • Has anyone watched ep 1-3 yet? How was it, considering series 1 was a bit underwhelming I thought.

    • I watched episode 1. I thought it was better than the first season. Some better visuals and the pacing wasn't as fast. It felt a bit more in line with the books on that front. So I hope that trend continues, because the pacing in the first season was terrible. It's quality still doesn't come anywhere close to the books though.

      Edit: also the storyline of Nyneave is better than the first season, more in line with the books so far.

      And the show gave more background information, so that's good for people who haven't read the books. But I still can't really get over some storyline changes, because I don't see the necessity.

      • Thanks for your helpful comments. I'll give it a go and hope I can stick with it. I did read the first 6 books before I gave up as that could have been half the length with a good editor. What is it with these 'blockbuster' adaptations that can't stick to the story or characters or pacing. The wooden acting/script doesn't help at times either. Not saying I could do better but when you're told they spent so many millions on it... Prime's LOTR suffered a similar fate and I only managed 3 episodes of that.

      • I think it helps if you read the books once like 30 years ago. I only have vague recollections of what happened. That works for a show watcher. The show runners should probably be a little more familiar with the source material. I also only watched the first episode so far but I did enjoy it.