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Labor and the Greens aren't strangers to conflict. But in this week's housing stand-off, something snapped Labor and the Greens aren't strangers to conflict. But in this week's housing stand-off, something snapped

The delicate relationship between Labor and the Greens often swings from confrontation to cooperation. But this week, during the stand-off over the government's housing bill, something snapped, writes David Speers.

Labor and the Greens aren't strangers to conflict. But in this week's housing stand-off, something snapped
  • I make no secret of the fact that generally speaking, I'm a Greens supporter.

    But I think they've misstepped here. I'll admit I haven't followed this issue very closely, and I've not heard the Greens tell their side of the story, so maybe they can change my mind. But assuming this article is accurate, I think they've misstepped.

    To be clear, I agree with them that Labor's current policy isn't good enough. But it's the kind of "not good enough" that's still at least worth doing. Labor's original policy in this area was not "at least worth doing", but Labor has compromised and agreed to spend a minimum of $500 million per year on housing. At that point, I think even though it would be better to get even more, it's still good enough that blocking it is the wrong move.

    I think I might write to my local MP, a Greens member, expressing this...