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Part One: The Newsies On Strike Part One: The Newsies on Strike: Soaking Scabs & Taking Names - Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff | iHeart

<p>Margaret talks with writer and podcast host Andrew Ti about how an informal union of children shut down the nation’s biggest newspapers and won their rights.</p> <p>You can now listen to all Cool Zone Media shows, 100% ad-free through the Cooler Zone Media subscription, available exclusively on A...

Part One: The Newsies on Strike: Soaking Scabs & Taking Names - Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff | iHeart

Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff's latest episode is delightful. It's about the late-1800s Newsboy strike(s) and the conditions that led up to them. Andrew Ti, the guest co-host, is one of the WGA strikers.