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Homeowners oppose street name chosen by iwi, saying the 17-letter name is too long Homeowners oppose street name chosen by iwi, saying the 17-letter name is too long

It might be the traditional Māori name for the location but it's too long and impractical, say residents of a new Whakatāne subdivision.

Homeowners oppose street name chosen by iwi, saying the 17-letter name is too long

I guess they didn’t want people to end up calling it P Road


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  • If the people that live there don't want the name then it should be changed. The council consulted the local iwi and got a stupid name about moving in a crab formation, I'm pretty sure we can swap that out for another name without cultural uproar.

    • well it's a new subdivision that isn't named yet, the local Iwi were consulted and put forth papakangahorohoro as the traditional name for the land