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  • No, are you? If so, how's that experience like?

    • Hallucinations, demonic visions, trying to figure out what I said, did or happened and what hasn't, paranoia and doing weird stuff to stop weirder stuff. I have other stuff with it too but I'll give some examples, one time I felt like I had a tail like imagine having a 3rd leg behind you a few centimeters away just being there and wiggling or something, another one I one time I jumped to lay on my bed and during that air time I had visions of me falling through a black void with satanic figures floating around that felt like it laster for eternity, another instance is one time I completely left a friend I had for something they said then later I remembered the friend never said anything like that and I just thought he said it and I don't even know what he said, also small stuff while going through daily life like leaves turning into ratoid things and moving or seeing faces get distorted to the point that you don't recognize your own. I am not sure if all of these are schizophrenia stuff but I got diagnosed with it 2 years ago around this time of year