Someone mentioned their location in a post the other day and it got me wondering what part of the world we're all from. I think I've mostly spoken to Europeans which is a surprise.
I'll go first! I'm in the South of the UK on the coast. We're having a rare sunny day so I'm writing this on my lunch break on the beach 🏖️
Amazing! Thanks for checking in, Whereabouts in Asia if u don't mind me asking? I've been lucky enough to see quite a bit of Asia so I might have been to your country
🇲🇾 Yes, it's infamous for pride watch raids and cancelling an entire music festival over an outrageous gay PDA lately. But ultimately its my home and I need to keep fighting for it
Canadian here - all the way over on the west coast in Vancouver. The air is yellow with smoke as the province and a lot of northwestern Canada burns down, but things could be worse.
But seriously, that sounds terrible I hope you and all you loved ones are safe. I'd really like to visit Canada, it looks beautiful and I imagine the cities are quite fun too.
Isn't the air quite think with smoke or that way anyway with all the weed?
I'm in Portland, Oregon and we've been getting a lot of your smoke the last week. It got pretty bad, though I'm sure nothing like what you're dealing with.
If you’re a fan of Improv, The Talkies is a really fun one! For drag, I really enjoyed Ginava’s Messy Friends.
Have seen a few queer stories which have also been quite nice. Once a friend showed me how you can search by categories on the Edfringe website, it’s been so much easier finding these.
If I remember, I’ll report back, but I’m going to see a musical about Alan Turing, and a solo performance called Buff about an overweight guy who gets an Instagram model as a room mate played by Pearse Egan.
You’re not kidding. Dunno if you saw that dancer who was killed for just being gay and vogueing… so weird and a little scary that bros can’t just be themselves.