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Using AI to Write Science Fiction Visual Storytelling Using AI to Write Science Fiction Visual Storytelling

This video shows a demonstration of AI generated content using a combination of these three free tools.

Using AI to Write Science Fiction Visual Storytelling

Who needs human when you have AI :p

  • Interesting. Looks like it can't do character development whatsoever, and the story is basically a novel summation, not an actual story. There's also no plot twists, or scientific explanation of the technology. This is what I'd expect from a moderately talented 10 year old.

    • This is about what I expect from a half decent AI model with a fairly simple prompt, and an out of the box tokenizer.

      Prompt Engineers will be a major new career path in the coming decades. Good output takes knowing how to fine tune the training inside the model, knowing what exists in the base dataset and how to access it, tuning the settings, some powerful hardware running lots of iterations. All of humanity's creativity can be harnessed across languages and cultures using this tech. Mastering this will be a real challenge. It is probably the most complicated tool or instrument humans have ever created. You are really commenting on the skill of the prompt, not the technology. It will take quite a while for this to normalize and become the mainstream. I highly recommend trying it out for yourself. FOSS AI is a thing. There are lots of offline tools and options available already. Soon, Open Source will dominate this space too.