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Apparently the White House had a Pet Racoon for a while.

  • From the Wikipedia page:

    Rebecca had lived alone and had her own way so long that I fear she was a little overbearing and dictatorial, perhaps reminding her spouse that he was living on her bounty. [Afterward, Rebecca] continued to live in single blessedness.

  • @Ti_Ka @196 rebecca best president

  • This pic looks fake but it could just be because I'm not used to seeing Racoons in old timey pictures.

    • I can kind of see what you mean. Maybe this more "natural"/less staged picture is less fake looking? (source)

      A black and white photo of Grace Coolidge Kneeling in front of a group of children on a lawn holding a Racoon on a leash on her knees

      • Yeah that one does look more real. Something about the lighting in the first one I guess? It's almost like the Racoon is blurrier. Hard to say. Fun fact though, thanks for sharing. I love Racoons!