And there's still this much battery left. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. I wasn't expecting it to still have any power left at all. I suppose with the sim out, all it was doing was powering the clock, but still! Unfortunately, I've had to retire it as my network won't connect on it anymore.
Without a SIM it doesn't use much power at all. Even an Android phone will last a month on standby if you just leave it on the table with all connectivity disabled.
I remember back in 1998 when Philips introduced GSM phones with 300+ hours standby battery life (with a bigger battery). Until then it wasn't uncommon for phones to last 8 to 20 hours. Then others figured out the same, but long standby was never practical unless you really just leave a phone on a table.
Yeah, I have an android 2 with no connectivity. I use it as an mp3 player. Battery lasts ages. I'm gonna keep that Nokia on standby and see how long it goes!
Ah yes. Texting via GSM with limited text size so you'd have to be careful what to write. And playing Snake. And clunky as hell in the pocket. But not as tall as modern phones. Those were just different times
I found my old Motorola SLVR in a draw, I think I last used it in 2006 or so. It needed charging but when I turned it on I was greeted by the T-Mobile logo and tune. I'd forgotten how loud the sound was when it got turned on. It had the game "bounce" on it. Had forgotten about that.