How to Dismantle Fox!
How to Dismantle Fox!
42% of their revenue is advertisers, which means they can't survive without it. Please pass these around! Turn them into flyers and posters!
Call these companies and tell them you will no longer do business with them until they publicly say they will no longer advertise on the network anymore! Leave one star reviews on companies like Noom that are apps, specifically saying that you will not renew your subscription until they stop!
This is the most sure fire way to at least knock down the amount of noise that goes out to people who aren't educated enough to know how much lying is now going on.
Originally Posted By u/MileyTwerks83
At 2025-03-15 10:50:59 PM
| Source
I’m surprised at Subaru. I always associated them with liberals in Maine and the eco/animal charity programs they ran.