While I do prefer absolute free speech for individuals, I have no illusions about what Trump is saying behind closed doors: "Make it like me, and everything that I do." I don't want an government to decide for me and others what is right.
Also, science, at least the peer reviewed stuff, should be considered free of bias. Real world mechanics, be it physics or biology, can't be considered biased. We need science, because it makes life better. A false science, such as phrenology or RFK's la-la-land ravings, needs to be discarded because it doesn't help anyone. Not even the believers.
Also, it was the left that didn't want to abolish slavery or give women rights.
I simply cannot imagine how anyone could be so stupid that they'd read or hear this and repeat it without looking into if it's true or not (it's not), yet there are so many idiots, typically Americans, just as stupid or possibly stupider than you on the internet spouting obvious propaganda that this level of idiocy must be pretty common in the States.
Science is not about government, or right and left, or free speech. It’s just science. It’s about individuals spending their lives studying a specific subject. Politicians who know nothing about those subjects should have no say. I shudder to think what might have happened during the polio outbreak under today's U.S politicians.
I'd say science is about finding truth by rejecting untruths.
A fundamental question is whether there is such a thing as objective truth. I'd argue yes. Magas would probably say no (at least I know one who gave that answer). To them there's only your version of reality vs theirs.
That's why they invent and choose to believe untruths, because they believe they can invent truth rather than find it.