I'm not into 40k, I love the idea and mythos and occasionally watch someone paint a mini, then I came across some 40k subreddit and it's a bunch of anti woke nonsense. Like wtf, they do realise they're the ones that used to be shat upon, right?
People that ate too much imperial propaganda and think that, yes, the Imperium is "the best alternative for mankind", despite it stomping down actually better alternatives left and right throughout the lore
Now imagine if you play imperial guard. I feel like I am the only fan who understands IG. Its about people living under a cruel unwieldy empire that is utterly indifferent to their lives with almost no way out. Your entire world with all it rich history and unique culture can be wiped out in a second. And it wont mean a thing. Shit like that is what makes IG cool
As someone outside the fandom looking in it seems like the entire 40K franchise revolves around the Space Marines, with the other factions taking a supporting role at best.
Space Marines sell the most, so they get the most frequent support. Each faction has a very loyal and very ravenous fanbase though. Generally if someone is a “space marine fan” they’re either really new, or extremely old. It’s the people that are into the Imperium factions as a whole you should look out for.