Democrats are awake and acting just how they think we want them to. I can't tell you how many times in the past month I have heard the phrase "when this all blows over".
It's like hiring a housekeeper to do your remodeling. Or more aptly — pest control.
A housekeeper that has in fact been stealing from you, and you only keep hired because the other agency in town steals even more and has weird opinions they won't shut up about.
Maybe they will once they stop being owned by the same people as the Republicans. They are a joke of an opposition party especially after reading their 20 bullet points on how to be Splenda republicans
Democrats did wake up and their leadership sat down with the people who advised them on how to lose all three branches of government twice now and they came up with the solution of be more like Republicans.
Democrats are a lost cause so just donate, volunteer, and vote in the primaries for progressives and don't give these assholes another thought outside of calling them and telling them they're pathetic.
The funny part is IF democrats are able to ever get in power again they will probably go back to screwing average people and being weak so they don’t upset republicans
It's their job to prove to the voters that they're party is worth voting for. Their actions should be based on the support they want not the support they have.